Page 19 - Signal & Tele
P. 19
11. Shifting of Gate circuits from Location boxes to Gate hut:
At LC-42 (RGP-ZN) Gate signaling circuit has been shifted to Gate Lodge with
new relays and wiring and commissioned to improve the reliability.
12. Replacement of aged Point machines:
51 No. of Aged /Defective Point machines are replaced with new to improve
the safety & reliability.
13. Replacement of Block Instruments:
26 No. of Block Instruments (14 No. Double line & 12 No. of Single line Daido
Block instruments) are replaced for POH to improve the safety.
14. Defective Signal post/Unit replacement:
24 No’s of damaged/defective signal units have been replaced with new to
improve the safety & reliability.
15. Directed Maintenance:
At 42 stations/ Locations, Directed maintenance has been carried out to
improve the signal gear maintenance.
16. Defective cable replacement:
54.774 Km Defective cable has been replaced to improve signaling system
17. Replacement of aged/defective Secondary cells:
2475 nos. of different capacities aged secondary cells have been replaced to
improve reliability.