Page 18 - Signal & Tele
P. 18

5. Provision of Earth leakage detectors:

                 At  10  stations/Locations  Earth  leakage  detectors
                 (AnuVidyut  make)  have  been  provided  and
                 commissioned  duly  proving  the  PFC  contacts  in
                 Data Logger and configured SMS alert for Field staff
                 to improve reliability.

              6. Application Logic alteration /modification:
                 Electronic Interlocking Application logic replacement has been done at 2
                 locations to overcome Logic over flow error and other application logic errors
                 at RDM A& B cabins duly carrying out all the safety checks on 08/09.04.2021 to
                 improve reliability.

              7. Conversion of Parallel Track circuits to Series-Parallel Track circuits:
                 22 No. of Parallel Track circuits are converted to Series – Parallel Track circuits
                 to improve safety.

              8. Closure of LC gates :

                 21 No. of LC gates (11 No. of Interlocked and 10 Non-Interlocked ) have been
                 closed  in  view  of  ROB/RUB  commissioned  duly  carrying  out  necessary  circuit
                 alterations in selection circuits /Yard alterations at site to improve efficiency.

              9. Provision of Non-Interlocked Operating Panels for EI stations:
                 At  six  (06)  stations  /  Locations  Electronic
                 Interlocking (EI) system, provision& testing of NI

                 panel  and  commissioning  done  to  improve
                 reliability  during  NI  works  and  Major  failures.
                 (PCZ, RCPT, TLPR, GT, CHZ, MLY)

            10. Provision of Integrated LEDs:
                 1414  No.  of  Integrated  LEDsare  provided  over  the  SC  Division  duly  replacing
                 aged Modified LED aspects to improve the reliability.
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