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               1. Train Accidents: 03

                 Sl   Brief description  Cause, Casualties,
                No      of accident &        Cost of damages         Responsibility      Status/Penalty
                            Cause              & Committee                                  imposed
                1     On     08.04.2019,  Cause:                    Primary:            Reduction  to
                      Tr.   No.    47209  Due  to  failure  of  K Jagan                 a lower post /
                      HYB-FM      MMTS- the  LP  in  keeping  Mohan,                    grade          of
                      Passenger  while  the       train    under  LP/Goods/SC.          LP(Shunter)
                      on  its  scheduled  control,  not  being                          Gr-II  on  pay
                      run,  passed  SC  alert and applying                              Rs.  25,500/-  in
                      Dn-Home  Signal  brakes late.                                     Pay       Matrix
                      S1  at  Danger  at  Casualties:  Nil                              Level-4(7th
                      about        13:23  Cost  of  damages:                            PC)      for   a
                      hours          and  Nil                                           period  of  2-
                      stopped  at  a  Committee:                    Blameworthy:        years.
                      distance         of  Sr,DSTE,                 D  Sridhar,
                      125.90         mts  Sr.DME/Co-ord         &  CLI/SNF
                      beyond the stop  Sr.DSO/SC                                           Two sets of
                      signal (within the                                                      PTO’s
                      BOL)                                                                  withheld
                2     On      10.4.2019,  Cause:       Due     to  The     FB    weld  None  is  held
                      Train  No.  KPCC  “weld              failure  fatigue failure is  responsible
                      Up         Goods  appears  to  have  the  cause  of  since  it  is  due
                      hauled          by  occurred         under  derailment.           to      sudden
                      Engine        Nos.  the  moving  train                            material
                      70545  +  70507  caused                 the  None  is  held  impact  failure
                      WDG4/GY              derailment,  since  responsible              (FB        Weld
                      consisting  of  59  face       of     weld  since it is due to  fatigue
                      BOXN      wagons  failure       point    at  sudden               failure).
                      loaded         with  end      table     has  material
                      coal     and      1  battering       marks  impact       failure
                      Brake  while  on  and  dents  caused  (FB                 Weld
                      run  on  Up  line  by  passing  train  fatigue failure).
                      between              wheels.    After  this
                      Chitgidda  (CTF)  battering,            this
                      and  Vikarabad  portion gets further
                      (VKB)  stations  it  damaged           and
                      derailed  at  KM- fittings got workout
                      114/25-15        at  and  the  rail  ends
                      about        04:25  start          moving
                      hours.     In    all  laterally resulting in
                      eleven         (11)  the            flange
                      wagons i.e., 40th  mounting  at  the
                      to    50th    from  rail end.
                      engine  derailed.  Casualties:  Nil
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