Page 4 - SAFETY
P. 4
2. Yard accidents and other incidents: 03
Cause, Casualties, Status/Penalty
Sl Brief description Cost of damages & Responsibility
No of accident imposed
1 On 09.04.2019 Cause: Miscreant Primary:
train No. 12759 activity Outsider ---
Charminar Exp (other than
arrived HYB at Casualties: Nil Railway staff)
08:15 hrs on PF-
6. Fan & Lights Cost of damages: Secondary:
of all the R/ ₹ 14,54,500/- None
coaches were Stock
switched off Blameworthy: One set P T O
and after the Committee: P N Patnaik withheld
entire Sr.DSO, Sr.DSC, SSE/C&W/HYB
passenger de- Sr.DEE/M &
boarded the Sr.DME/Co-ord/SC
train, the Doors
& Shunter of the
coaches were
closed by 09:00
hrs and the
empty rake
remained there
on PF-6. At
about 10:30
hours smoke
was noticed in
coach No.
05410/C GS SC
2 On 15.07.2019, Cause: Primary
while moving Tr. During forward T Hanumanth, Pay reduced by
No. SNAG move-ment point APM/SNF one stage from
consisting of 32- No.3 got trailed 22800 to 22100
BCNL’s & BV through and while with cumulative
from Good backing over the effect for a
Shed-2 to same trailed through period of 18
CWC/SNF, 4- point, the wagons months.
BCN wagons have taken two Secondary:
derailed No’s routes & derailed. Ch. Venkaiah, Withholding of 2
CR30019960156, Casualties: Nil LP/S/SNF sets of PTOs for
SR/30069875134 Committee: the year.
WR/3008993459 SSE/C&W/SNF,
0 & NR/92063 TI/SNF.
on point No.3 at SSE/P.Way/SNF &
08:30 hrs CLI/SC