Page 5 - SAFETY
P. 5
3 On 25.01.2020 Cause: At such a Sri.K. Manohar, With holding of
at 07.30 hrs, low speed, the /Elect./M/HYB increment for 01
Diesel loco cable has infringed year (NC).
13395/MLY between wheel
during shunt flange & the LH rail,
movement from resulting in mounting Sri Alok Kumar, With holding of
Line-11 to Rd-6 of LH wheel flange SSE/P.Way/HY increment for 01
at HYB yard, causing derailment. B- year (NC).
front truck two Casualties: Nil
wheels derailed Cost of damages: Nil
on line-11 near Committee:
pathway during DEE/Chg,
forward DEN/Track,
movement. DOM/Gnl & DME/
Cause, Casualties,
Sl Brief description Status/Penalty
No of accident Cost of damages & Responsibility imposed
1 22.07.2020 Cause: Primary: “Removal from
Three BRI staff Casualties: Sri Binay kumar service with
working on the Bridge staff samal,SSE/Bridg immediate
bridge b/w CTF- (Engineering) es/SC effect” and his
VKB on up line Cost of damages: service is
at km no 114/32 Nil terminates with
were Run over Committee: effect from
and killed by Sr.DSO/SC, Sr Secondary: 24.11.2020
DSL/MU DEN/W/SC, Sr Sri N.Pratap
(70366+12591) DOM/SC Reddy,Errector II Died in the
On 16.11.2020 Cause: The Primary: WDSG
2 at about 20.15 derailment is due siding
hrs while BOXN to residual material authorities/WD ACC/WD/C Rly
empty rake Gypsum of 5 tones i.e. M/S
rolling into R &D on LH side of the ACC/WD for
line, One BOXN wagon is the cause failing to
empty wagon for the derailment unload the
derailed after with contribution entire
passing R&D from versine consignment of
line point. variations at two Gypsum
Formation while location before material during
rolling into R&D point of mount. unloading.
line, the said Casualties: Nil