Page 10 - SAFETY
P. 10
Counselled road vehicle drivers not to carry over load of passengers and
materials. Observe speed breakers and height gauges while
approaching LC gates.
Road users counseled on safe behaviour and discipline to be followed
while crossing LC gates.
Exhibited safety banners and counseled on not to engage with mobile
phones while on driving.
08.06.2021 MLY LC No. 6 T
b. Mock exercise with NDRF 10 BN/RRC/Hyderabad on 08.04.2021 at KZJ
yard: A full scale technical mock exercise was been organised to improve
the staff efficiency and alertness of the any supervisor to face the
challenges during the accidents/unusual more effectively. Two
condemned coaches SC 96059 & SC 96061 were toppled with the help of
140Tonne crane to create the scene of disaster.
The entire mock exercise was completed in 90 minutes. A total of 80
Railway staff of SPMRV/KZJ including 25 staff from NDRF 10th
Battalion/RRC team participated in the mock exercise. The purpose of the