Page 18 - S & T
P. 18

17.  Asset Failures – Action plan to minimize

                 I  Point failure
                 A  Replacement of GRS 5E point machine with IRS point machine.                   applicable

                 B  Replacement of wooden layout by PSC layout                                           0

                 C  Replacement of point contactor relays                                               Nil

                 D  Point failure due to miscreant activities.                                          02
                     Compliance for joint inspections of points & crossings
                 E  i) Clearance of ballast to be done                                                 NIL
                     ii) Providing of ‘J’ clips to be done
                 II  Track circuit failures

                     Track circuit failures due to improper drainage & inadequate
                 A                                                                                     03
                 B  Replacement of block joints with glued joints.                                      0

                 C  Track circuit failures due to miscreant/OSI activities.                            06
                 D  Replacement of shelf type track relays                                             Nil

                 III  Signal failures

                 A  Signal failures due to bulbs & holders                                              0

                 B  Signal failures due to power supply arrangements                                   03

                 C  Signal failures due to PI 150 relays                                                0

                 D  Signal failures due to improper earthing                                            0
                     Programmed intensive maintenance by S&T and counseling
                 E                                                                                      0
                     of Operating & Engineering Staff.

                  f  Signal failures at LC gates                                                       05

                 IV  Block failures
                 A  Block failures due to cable cuts                                                   01

                 B  Use of data loggers for predictive maintenance                                      0
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