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                                                                     WattsLine 2020, Issue 3

                                                2020 Year in a Review

                                               Looking ahead to 2021

    As we look back upon the past year, we realize that 2020 was not the year we had envisioned.  First and
    foremost, the pandemic has left a significant impact on our lives, communities, and industry.  If the pan-
    demic has taught us anything, in times of crisis, the Tri-City family always comes together to push
    through those unexpected obstacles life sometimes throws our way. Despite the challenges we faced in
    2020, some proud moments may not have received the full attention deserved, so we wanted to take a
    moment to highlight some of those significant events.

           Tri-City was selected as ABC’s 2020 Contractor of the Year. Although the company could not ac-
           cept the award in March of 2020 in Nashville, we were proud to be selected by the board of ABC
           and from its strong membership of over 21,000 member companies.

           Tri-City was proud to announce that we became 100% employee-owned at the start of 2020.  At
           the end of 2019, our stock price was up 22.3% from the prior year’s stock price in 2018.

           Our Altamonte Residential division consistently met the budget all year and completed a hotel
           renovation job in Knoxville, TN.  The furthest job the team has ever completed!

           The Altamonte Multi-Family division completed a record 12,000+ apartment units in 2020 while
           working from one end of the state to the other.

           The Altamonte Commercial team showed many in our industry and community the willingness to
           go above and beyond by helping others.  Mike Hamer stopped to assist a bicyclist that experi-
           enced a bad accident and got the cyclist immediate medical attention!

           South Atlantic Tri-City has booked additional backlog to carry the division into 2022.  South Florida
           opportunities are plentiful on East and West coasts alike as the team expands upon Tri-City’s abili-
           ties to grow and adapt.

    As the calendar page turns to 2021, I would like to THANK YOU for your hard work and dedication
    throughout 2020.  Let us continue to work together as a team and charge into 2021 with both optimism
    and enthusiasm.


    Jack A. Olmstead
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