Page 4 - Newsletter (Civic design)
P. 4

To Do More Than Expected

                                                                                               Safety Department Short

                      MIKE POWERS

                      Even with COVID-19, the dangers that kill most electricians are still out there.  Recent-
                      ly, I observed a job where the workers were on top of gear using ladders or getting
                      out of lifts. While the workers were attached to fall protection, they were not follow-
                      ing  proper  procedures.    When  you  attach  fall  protection  overhead  you  must  stay
        S             within 30  below the anchor point, so that if you fall you do not “swing fall” hitting
                      the ground.  Leaving a lift while elevated requires safety department approval and di-
                      rect permission.  Do not climb onto gear or equipment until the safety department

        A             has properly trained you.

                      It takes all of us, working for each of us, to keep us, as owners, as safe as we all can

                      MARK KOZLOWSKI
        E             To Do More Than Expected:  I have noticed several employees defending the line and

                      making sure our COVID-19 safety measures being followed. These employees are the
                      ones setting the example, making a difference and protecting their fellow employee.

        Y             ENRIQUE PEREZ

                      To Do More Than Expected:  Jobsite managers are doing a good job enforcing policies
                      that support the efforts to protect our people.

                      JOHN MARSHALL

                      To Do More Than Expected:  Over the course of several months, I have had numerous
                      employees need refills on their hand sanitizers!  Way to stay safe team!
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