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To Do More Than Expected

                                 What’s in this issue?

                         Cover Story                        Page 1                          Sparks of Life!

                        Employee Corner                     Page 2-3

                        Safety Shortz                       Page 4-5

                        HR Corner                           Page 6-7

                        Project Highlights                  Page 8-9

        C                                Kudos!

                                         CHUCK MCFARLAND
       O                         MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD

                      The Chuck McFarland Memorial Scholarship award                     Congratulations to Robert
                      is a program for dependents and grandchildren  of
        N             Tri-City  employees  to  provide  financial    assistance            Sheets on the birth of
                                                                                           Weston Sheets , born
                      while they attend college.  The scholarship is named
                      in  honor  of  Charles  “Chuck”  McFarland,  CFO  from                 February 12, 2021
                                                                                                  8lbs 6oz.
         T            1995-2004.  Each year the company has awarded
                      eligible  students  and since the inception of the pro-
                      gram in 2005, over 40 scholarships have been awarded.
        E             CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2021 RECIPIENT:
                                      - Giorgio Leonardo Castiglione -

                      Giorgio is interested in Computer Science and is planning
        N             to pursue a career in Cyber Security.  He will be graduat-              Giorgio and his dad
                      ing  from  Lake  Gibson  High  School  in  Lakeland  next
                      month. He plans to attend HCC to obtain an AA and then                    Lenny Castiglione

         T            transfer to USF for his bachelors. He is very grateful for this scholarship!

                      A Word from a Previous Recipient
                      “I just wanted to write this email to pass on my thanks and appreciation for the sup-
                      port that I received from Tri-City as a recipient of the Chuck McFarland Memorial
                      Scholarship. The award was of great help in allowing me achieve my goal in receiv-
                      ing my Bachelors of Science in Information Technology at UCF over the past three
                      years. It was thanks to the award that I was able to focus on my academics and be
                      as successful as I was and for that I am immensely grateful.”
                                    - Jesus E. Calderon-Acevedo -

                                    Previous Chuck McFarland Memorial Scholarship Award Recipient

                                                                                                            Giorgio Leonardo Castiglione
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