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To Do More Than Expected Page 7
Apprentice Grads
Congratulations to our latest Apprenticeship Grads:
Edgar Ruperto Fred McNeil
Darin Burdin Ceasar Collins
Interested in becoming part of our Apprenticeship Program, our next enrollment R
period is coming up this summer. Ensure your email address on file with us is up
to date, so you don’t miss the reminder email. If you need to update your email
address or have questions about our apprenticeship programs, please send an
email to
Your Opinion Matters
As we continue to provide an outstanding product, it remains important for our O
management teams to understand the key elements that create employee engage-
ment while having a keen focus on our Core Values - Talent, Results & Integrity!
Therefore, we are conducting a brief Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) to provide R
everyone an opportunity to openly express their views confidentially on all aspects
of our employee experience. Your feedback is essential!
As a fellow owner of Tri-City, I want you to participate and to be open and candid N
with your responses. Your responses to this questionnaire will be completely
anonymous and confidential - departments with fewer than six (6) employees will
be lumped into a larger group. E
Survey web address -
Survey dates – April 5 – April 23
The survey should only take you 10-15 minutes to complete. We encourage you to R
respond based on your initial reactions, as these are usually the most
accurate. Paper surveys are available in Human Resources.
Note: Confidentiality is of utmost importance. Your responses are both anonymous
and confidential.
Thank you for your time and candid feedback! Your Voice Is Power!