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To Do More Than Expected                                                             Page 3

                                  TALENT RESULT INTEGRITY

                                     TRI-CITY VALUES IN ACTION
    Kudos to Jeremie Malvoisin for his outstanding work that inspired his GC to send us                         M
    a note:
                    “Regardless of any delays we’ve suffered, Jeremie made it right! He peeled                   P
    back the “onion” of incorrect workmanship given to him and made a bad situation
    right. This did not come easy or overnight. Everyday Jeremie is faced with the deci-
    sions of priorities to continue repairing work and meeting our production schedule                           L

    with limited manpower and based on the busy market we are all dealing with.
                    Jeremie has handled himself extremely professional under major stress/                      O
    pressure,  created  positive  relationships  with  inspectors  and  other  trades  while
    working late nights and weekends without hesitation. His core values are in place
    and his work ethics and morals are first class!                                                              Y
                    A HUGE thanks to Jeremie for all he’s done out here @ Solaire and never
    even considered giving up! “                                                                                 E

                    Best Regards,

                                ABC’S TOP PERFORMERS LIST 2021

   The latest edition of ABC’s Top Performers list is now available online:                                     C
                                       Top Performers (

           While we didn’t take the top honors this year, Tri-City was well represented                         O
   amongst industry leaders.  Below is an exert from the magazine, a featured quote
   from our President, Jack A. Olmstead.                                                                         R

           “Thanks to Tri-City’s diversified portfolio, business is good.  During the down-
   turn  of  2020,  we  were  able  to  shift  our  focus  and  react  to  the  changing  market
   needs quickly.  Tri-City went from doing work in massive theme parks to doing more                           N
   work for hospitals and health care systems.  We did not take our foot off the gas
   when it came to cultivating our people, working with our customers, communicating                             E
   through new technologies, and implementing additional safety measures.  This year
   will be a good year; it will be a downsized year, but it will be a good year.  I cannot
   wait to see what our industry will do in the next ten years.”                                                 R

 Giorgio Leonardo Castiglione
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