Page 16 - 2024-04 WMVFH Resource Guide
P. 16

Our Team

               Caleb Burke                     Avery Henson                  Andrew Goodwin
             MANAGING DIRECTOR                 FUNERAL DIRECTOR                FUNERAL DIRECTOR

      Caleb was born and raised in Pocatello. Ca-  Avery was born and raised in Meridian, Ida-  Andrew was born in Elko, Nevada, and was
      leb  started  his  career  in  funeral  service  in   ho. In 2022, she returned to her home state   raised in the Twin Falls area. Andrew grad-
      2002 at Colonial Funeral Home. He obtained   after many years of traveling in the United   uated from high school in 2015 from Filer
      his  degree  in  Mortuary  Science  from  Mt.   States.  Due  to  her  roots,  she  strongly  de-  High School, where he was an active mem-
      Hood  Community  College.  He  has  also  re-  sires to uplift her community by providing   ber of the FFA Chapter, played golf, raised
      ceived his CCO Certificate.      care, support, and expertise to the families   4-H animals, and many other extracurricular
                                       she serves.                      activities. While in high school, Andrew be-
      Caleb and his wife Jexi are parents to five                       gan his career in funeral service, where he
      amazing  children.  The  Burkes  love  every-  At fourteen, Avery fell in love with funeral   found his passion.
      thing  outdoors,  especially  family  camping,   service  and  continued  pursuing  education
      fishing and hiking trips.        and  training  in  the  field.  She  is  drawn  to   After  high  school  graduation,  he  attended
                                       funeral service due to the unique opportu-  the College of Southern Idaho before grad-
      Caleb dedicates himself to the bereaved and   nity to support families in times of loss and   uating  from  Mt.  Hood  Community  College
      their loved ones. He has a special compas-  grief. She looks forward to creating positive   with a degree in Funeral Service Education.
      sion and care for those experiencing loss. He   experiences  for  those  she  serves  as  she   Shortly after completing his funeral service
      honors and strives in all aspects of his life to   continues her training.  degree, he moved to the Boise area, where
      live up to the trust people place in him.                         he served his apprenticeship and became a
                                       Avery followed her senior funeral directors   licensed mortician in Idaho. Andrew accept-
                                       in  pursuing  a  degree  in  mortuary  science   ed  a  job  outside  the  funeral  industry  but
                                       through the Dallas Institute of Funeral Ser-  soon  realized  his  true  calling  was  serving
                                       vice. She is currently a licensed mortician in   families in their time of need.
                                       the state of Idaho.
                                                                        He followed his passion for funeral service
                                                                        out-of-state for two years. In March of 2024,
                                                                        Andrew returned home to Twin Falls, where
                                                                        he is proud to assist the community of Twin
                                                                        Falls again. Andrew finds funeral service a
                                                                        true calling and a passion of his. He loves
                                                                        how  every  day  at  work  is  different,  there
                                                                        are always things to learn about business,
                                                                        and building lasting friendships.

                                                                        When  Andrew  is  not  working,  he  enjoys
                                                                        spending  time  with  his  family,  taking  ad-
                                                                        vantage  of  the  great  outdoors  in  Idaho,
                                                                        and traveling the world. Although there are
                                                                        many things to do, being around his family
                                                                        is his favorite.

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