Page 17 - 2024-04 WMVFH Resource Guide
P. 17

Our Team

               Anthony Cimino                    Laura Gomez              Jennette “Jeannie” Lorraine

        Anthony  has  proudly  called  Kimberly  and   Laura was born in Bellevue, Washington.   We  are  proud  to  have  Jeannie  Lorraine
        the Magic Valley home from a young age.   She lived in Wyoming and moved to the   as one of our funeral ambassadors. Ms.
        Following his high school education, Antho-  Magic Valley in the 5 th  Grade and has   Lorraine came to Twin Falls, Idaho in 2017
        ny continued his education at the College   been proud to call the Magic Valley home   following  some  very  satisfying  life  stops
        of Southern Idaho EMT program. He began   since then. She graduated from Twin Falls   in California and Oregon.  When Ms. Lor-
        his funeral service career in 2022 and is ex-  High School. She went on to attend CSI.    raine lived in California, she led a reward-
        cited to accomplish the funeral director ap-  Laura has been a part of the Wilks family   ing life as a mother to four children, and
        prenticeship program. Honesty, hard work,   since 2023.          as an elementary school secretary where
        and  compassion  hold  great  importance  in                     she  helped  guide  and  foster  the  multi-
        his life, and Anthony looks forward to the   Laura lives in Kimberly with her husband   tudes  of  students  who  passed  through
        opportunity  of  putting  these  attributes  to   Steve, and 9 Children. She enjoys watch-  the  school  hallways  on  their  way  to  a
        work  in  serving  the  Magic  Valley  through   ing her children play sports and support-  higher education.
        funeral service.                 ing  them  in  every  aspect  of  their  lives.
                                         Laura feels honored to serve families and   Following Jeannie’s retirement of over 20
        When Anthony is not working, he enjoys ex-  their loved ones in their time of need and   years  serving  in  education,  she  and  her
        ploring the outdoors and traveling with his   looks forward to the opportunity to serve   husband decided their next phase of life
        four  wonderful  children;  three  daughters   the community.    would be devoted to their grandchildren.
        and a son. Family is everything to him. He                       This brought them to Oregon. Never one
        is thrilled to be a part of the Wilks Funer-                     to be still, Jeannie found time to help with
        al Homes family, and plans to continue to                        another one of her passions, wildlife. She
        provide dignified and respectful service to                      devoted many hours volunteering at the
        families in the Magic Valley area.                               Chintimini  Wildlife  Center  and  Wildlife
                                                                         Hospital  where  she  helped  care  for  and
                                                                         treat injured or orphaned animals.

                                                                         Following the passing of her husband, she
                                                                         moved to Twin Falls to continue her lov-
                                                                         ing involvement in the lives of her grand-
                                                                         children.  Jeannie  is  a  tremendous  asset
                                                                         to those she encounters. She does every-
                                                                         thing she can to serve and help families
                                                                         navigate the grief process with words and
                                                                         actions both of healing and empathy.

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