Page 102 - 2024 compendium
P. 102

New Buildings, Including Library

               Objective:                                     Alignment with DepEd Goals
                       Construct      new      educational           Directly contributes to the DepEd
               facilities,  including a fully equipped  thrust of improving learning environments
               library, to accommodate growing student  for better educational outcomes.
               enrollment and enhance learning spaces,
               with a target completion date of the next  IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS
               academic year.
                                                              Step-by-Step Process:
               Background                                     •  Identified  and  prioritized  areas  for
                       The construction  of  new  school         construction.
               buildings, such as new DepEd buildings  •  Collaborated with  the LGU for
               including a state-of-the-art  library,            funding.
               addresses the need for  better  facilities  •  Monitored  the progress to  ensure
               and additional learning spaces                    compliance with specifications.

               Justification                                  Stakeholder Involvement
                       Expanding            infrastructure    •  LGU  provided funding.
               improves access to education, reduces  •  Students  and teachers suggested
               class  sizes,  and provides  spaces for           features for the library.
               research and self-paced learning.  The
               library   will also supports  literacy  and  Challenges and Solutions
               research development.                          •  Challenge: Construction and turn
                                                                 over  delays.
               Problem Addressed                              •  Solution: Engage with contractors to
                       Inadequate facilities  hinder the         accelerate the timeline.
               effective delivery of quality education.
                                                              RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
               Opportunity Created                            •  Before: Limited access to library
                       New buildings and a library offer         resources        and       overcrowded
               improved  learning spaces,  enhancing             classrooms        hindered      student
               both  instruction  and access  to  learning       learning.
               resources.                                     •  After: ABOUT TO BE TURN OVER
                                                                 PENDING THE ESTABLISMENT AND
                                                                 COMPLETION OF THE LIBRARY AND
                                                                 SCHOOL  BUILDINGS  (  ON  GOING
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