Page 104 - 2024 compendium
P. 104
STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) Accomplishments
Objective: Alignment with DepEd Goals
Achieve measurable progress in Advances the K to 12 curriculum
the Science, Technology, and Engineering goal of producing globally competitive
(STE) program by incorporating at least learners.
three new STEM-related initiatives into
the curriculum by the end of the school IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS
Step-by-Step Process:
Background • Enhanced STEM curriculum and
The STE program focuses activities.
on producing students with strong • Provided laboratories and equipment
competencies in science, technology, and for hands-on learning.
engineering. It includes participation in
science fairs, research competitions, and Stakeholder Involvement
robotics events. • LGUs and alumni contributed
Justification • Teachers facilitated training
The achievements of the STE programs.
program highlight the importance of
STEM education in preparing students Challenges and Solutions
for future careers in critical fields. It also • Challenge: Outdated equipment.
enhances the school’s reputation for • Solution: Upgraded tools through
academic excellence and innovation. partnerships.
Lack of support for students • Before: STE students faced challenges
excelling in science and technology. due to outdated equipment and
limited practical exposure.
Opportunity Created • After: The introduction of new
The program enhances STEM materials and equipment increased
education, preparing students for the success rate of STE projects by
technology-driven futures. 15%.
STE Project Success Pre-Project Post-Project Improvement (%)
Rate Average Average
Project Completion 80% 95% 15%