Page 103 - 2024 compendium
P. 103

SPA (Special Program in the Arts) Accomplishments

               Objective:                                     Alignment with DepEd Goals
                      Ensure         the        successful           Promotes the development of well-
               implementation of the School Partnership  rounded learners in line with the DepEd
               Activities  (SPA),  with  at  least  90%  of  K to 12 emphasis on holistic education.
               planned activities  successfully  executed
               and evaluated within the school year.          IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS

               Background                                     Step-by-Step Process:
                      The SPA showcases the talents of  •  Organized workshops and training
               students in various art forms, including          sessions for students in various art
               music,  dance, visual  arts,  and theater,        forms.
               through competitions and events.               •  Participated    in   competitions     to
                                                                 showcase talent.
                      Recognizing      and     supporting     Stakeholder Involvement
               artistic  talents fosters creativity  and  •  Teachers and professionals served as
               self-expression among students. The               mentors.
               SPA     accomplishments        demonstrate     •  LGUs  provided venues and support
               the school’s commitment to holistic               for competitions.
               education,  providing  opportunities  for
               learners to excel in their chosen fields.      Challenges and Solutions
                                                              •  Challenge: Limited practice facilities.
               Problem Addressed                              •  Solution: Utilized shared spaces like
                      Limited opportunities for artistic         the Angara Building.
               learners  to  develop  and  showcase  their
               talents.                                       RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
                                                              •  Before: The SPA program had limited
               Opportunity Created                               recognition and participation.
                      SPA provides a  platform  for  •  After: Increased exposure and student
               students to  excel  in  arts,  nurturing          involvement in the SPA program led to
               holistic development.                             25% more students showcasing their
                                                                 talents in arts-related competitions.

                  SPA Participation in     Pre-Project      Post-Project          Improvement (%)
                         Events             Average           Average
                                          participation     Participation

                 Student Participation        70%               95%                     25%
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108