Page 3 - TCMHO Flipbook 2025
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Main Office
WHAT WE DO 480.750.7075
We do our own special brand of management… ACTIVE MANAGEMENT!
Transcend Community Management offers communities something unique in the community management
industry. In fact, it is so unique that it has been an ‘ah-ha’ moment for every one of our industry peers when it is
mentioned to them.
This differentiator is so unique for our industry yet so obvious that it was difficult to understand why more
companies didn’t realize it. Once we started researching, going to industry events, delving deeply into industry
wide training designed for community managers we realized something important. You see, most industry wide
education is created and promoted by national, corporate management firms. They tend to train managers to fit
into automated systems, their systems. Every home is a number, and every homeowner phone call is a problem
that is taking up their precious time. Ergo, managers are trained in techniques to get off the phone quickly and to
answer questions in a manner that will not lead to any additional work for office and accounting staff.
Enter TCM and our unique management style where the homeowner is the most important thing on our minds and
COMMUNICATION is how we help communities grow and thrive! Combine this with our ACTIVE MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM where managers are highly visible to the Board and the Community and suddenly all HOA’s and their
Boards are getting a high touch, high level of service that makes their time as a Board volunteer more enjoyable
and productive.
Community Management | Compliance | Accounting | HOA Payments
Collections | Vendor Payments | Escrow | Legal Advice | 24/7 Answering Service