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Praise the author goes to God Almighty who has given strength, perseverance,

          and patience so that this E-book that has been compiled for a long time can finally be

          completed. The main reading source for this article is the book "Kelas X Bahasa Inggris"

          written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah in 2017, as a complement it is also

          taken from the book "Bahasa Inggris Work In Progress" in 2022 by Budi Hermawan, Dwi

          Haryanti, and Nining Suryaningsih and several other sources.                    2

                 This e-book is specially prepared for high school students, especially class X for

          English subject. This book contains complete material related to narrative texts in


                 The author would like to thank the various parties who have helped so that this E-

          book can be published, the author also feels that this E-book is still far from being

          perfect, therefore all input in the form of suggestions and criticisms made is very much

          expected. In conclusion, I hope this e-book can be useful for anyone who wants to study

          narrative texts in English, especially for class X high school.

                                                                        Bali, 2022


                                                          I Komang Yogi Pratama Wedananta


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