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1. Description
In this teaching material, students will learn about the narrative text. For this reason, the learning
indicators that students must achieve after learning the learning activities are students being able to compare
the social functions of several spoken and written narrative texts and students being able to compare the
structure of text orientation, complications, resolution, reorientation of several spoken and written narrative
texts by giving and asking for information related to stories. people, in simple terms, according to the context of
its use. Narrative text is generally imaginative or is not real or in the form of the imagination of the author and
is a type of text that tells a series of events with a chronological or interconnected system that aims to
entertain the readerabouta story.
2. Relevance
This teaching material contains material about the Narrative text such as its types, text structure, and
examples. In a narrative text, the goal is to entertain and interest the reader, by presenting a story or event
that has a problem that causes conflict, and at the end of the story, there is a resolution or an ending that can
be a happy or even sad ending. After studying this book students are expected to be able to compare the social
functionsof narrative texts andcomparethe structure of narrative texts properlyand correctly.
3. Study Guide
The learning objectives of Teaching Materials are so that students can compare the social functions of
several spoken and written narrative texts and students can compare the structure of text orientation,
complications, resolution, and reorientation of several spoken and written narrative texts. Here's a study guide
for studying this module:
a) Study this teaching material well and seriously. Understand every subject matter contained in teaching
materialsand learningactivities so that you canmaster the material well.
b) Complete each part of the activities and tasks contained in this teaching material seriously and
c) Understandeachsection in the summaryas partof the stagesof masteringthis teachingmaterial.
d) Carry out the Formative Test section in each section of Learning Activities as an indicator of mastery of
the material andreflection of studentlearningprocessesin eachlearningactivity.
e) Practice the knowledge gainedfrom the learningprocessin everyday life.