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Source : Kinemaster
Kinds Of Narrative Text 8
1. A myth is a traditional story that may answer life's main questions, such
as the origins of the world or of a people. Sometimes sacred in nature, a
myth can include goods or other creatures.
2. The folk tale is a tale originating from traditional sources, usually
anonymous, timeless, and placeless, and circulated orally by
3. Legends are stories that should exist is historical but that is without
validation. An example is Sangkuriang and Malin Kundang because
evidence of their legacyexists today
4. Fable is fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or
precept, usually with animals as characters but they think and talk like
people, even though they act like animals.
5. Fairy tales may involve fairies, giants, dragons, elves, goblins, dwarves
and other fantastical and fantastical forces. These stories have taken on
a life of their own. An example of a fairy tale is Snow White and Cinderella