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The narrative text is a type of text that connects a series of events and contains
fiction and non-fiction stories. The two forms of text use imaginative language and
express emotion. The purpose of Narrative text is to entertain the reader and tell
stories that happened in the past. There are several types of Narrative texts, including
legends, fairytales, fables, a journey or a voyage, and folk tales.
Social Functions of Narrative text :
▪ Entertaining
▪ Give lessons or information
Narrative text structure:
1) Orientation: Setting the beginning of the story and introducing the characters (who,
when, what and where).
2) Complications (problem followed by other problems) : Describes the problems in the
story and how the main characters solve them problem. This section includes situations,
activities or events that give rise to problem/complex to its climax which can be seen
when a crisis arises.
3) Resolution : Crisis decline is usually for the better but canalso be worse.
4) Reorientation (optional) : Usuallyshows the endingof the storyusuallythe ending
happy or sad.