Page 6 - SIM Guide to annual assessment_v2.0_Dec 2021
P. 6



            Basis for the Assessment

            The assessment of structures is based on:

               • Analysis of structure information: drawings, material specifications, building
                 codes, etc.

               • Visual observations to detect signs of wear, cracks, deflections and deformation
                 of structural elements affecting the overall integrity.

               • Thickness measurements and/or basic non-destructive tests (NDTs) whenever
                 steel structures can present risk of abrasion or corrosion.

               • Inspection of hollow structures:

                 o Internal inspections of hoppers, bins, and silos particularly where abrasive
                    material is involved and structures like piers, platforms, conveyors and bridges
                    to be inspected from underneath.

                 o For suspended structures, welds which cannot be inspected from inside shall
                    be subject to ultrasonic testing by a qualified person.

            NOTE: Appropriate inspection conditions (access, cleaning, uncovering, lighting) must
            be granted. Dust or accumulated material shall be removed if required to allow a
            thorough inspection. Binoculars or drones may be required to inspect areas of difficult

            Consolidation of findings

            • Although the observation of the defects is done for individual elements, the issues
              identified on a single structure (or system) shall be grouped into one finding.

            • Findings shall be risk rated on its impact in the overall structure integrity.

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