Page 14 - Grace Connections October Issue
P. 14
Pastor Joe Garnett
ARE YOU SETTING AT A TABLE You set there engrossed in
JESUS WOULD OVERTURN? this film that you failed to realize
how much vulgarity or how many
How many times have we sat
down to a meal that we knew was times it was used in the movie. Or
not good for us? But it was if you did realize you shrug it off
something that we really loved, so with, “that’s just the way people
we chose to eat it anyhow, and talk now.” Then when something
often paid the consequences for it happens that frustrates you and we
later. And like many others we suddenly hear those words coming
vowed each time that it was the from your mouth and wonder
last time, we would never do it where they came from. After all,
again. you don’t talk that way. Or you
hear one of you children use those
Sadly, to many people are words and are confused where
frequently setting down at table they learned that from.
that Jesus would have overturned.
It has become so easy to set at We are living in a society
these tables because they are today where it is not uncommon
feeding us with things of the world even during prime time viewing
that we still have a desire for and slots to see partial or even full
justify by telling ourselves that is nudity in television shows,
just the way the world is today and especially since we have so many
we can not avoid it. streaming channels available now.
And most people have accepted
And it is subtle things that that is being normal anymore, yet
most are probably not even aware we wonder why we struggle so
of the table they are setting at. much with lust, why we have such
Friends at work were talking about high teen pregnancies, and why
this great movie they had seen on almost sixty percent of pastors
television, how it was packed with survived admitted to struggling
top named actors, and had a good with pornography.
plot; (something very rare in
modern day tv.) Now you are Last, but certainly not least,
home relaxing, and you notice this look at the number of television
great movie is going to be on, so shows and movies that open make
you change channels to watch it.