Page 11 - Grace Connections October Issue
P. 11
work hard and earn your money of you or whatever other reason,
so that you can help others in then we are in disobedience and
need, be kind and tenderhearted quench the Holy Spirit.
to others, and be forgiving of one
another. He wants us to be There are other ways the
imitators of Him and walk in Holy Spirit could be quenched
love as Jesus did. that don’t involve a Christian
who is sinning.
Quenching the Holy Spirit
and grieving the Holy Spirit is Have you ever been in a
very similar in that both are church service and the Holy
done as the result of a believer
who sins. Spirit was beginning to move and
then you hear someone in the
Those who are sinning are congregation who has started a
placing themselves above God, by conversation with another
being self-centered rather than person and others can hear it?
Christ centered. They are giving Suddenly everyone is starting to
themselves over to the flesh be distracted by them and the
instead of crucifying the flesh as moving of the Holy Spirit which
the word tells us to do. was there is suddenly diminished.
We can also quench the Holy This is a common distraction
Spirit by not listening to Him the enemy uses to quench the
when He is speaking. Such as
when He tells us to pray for Holy Spirit. Did anyone sin? No.
someone or with them or wants However, the Holy Spirit was
us to impart something to them quenched. We need to always be
such as, a word of comfort or aware of those things which can
encouragement, but we refuse to cause the distractions and could
do it or when He has given us a potentially quench the Holy
prophetic word and we refuse to Spirit.
speak it out.
So how do we keep from
When He has spoken to us grieving or quenching the Holy
and we ignore it, either out of Spirit? We walk the walk and
fear that someone will think bad talk the talk. Meaning we live