Page 7 - Grace Connections October Issue
P. 7
Our Lives Are Enriched Because
of Jesus!
By Karen Gibbs
For the past few weeks, 1. We have riches in Heaven.
I've been dwelling on the how (Matthew 6:20 & Luke 12:33)
much our lives are ENRICHED
because of Jesus and the 2. We are blessed with the
investment He made for us to riches of fellowship. (Acts
live an enriched life. The word 20:32)
enriched means to improve the
quality of, to make something 3. We have the fabulous
better, to improve the riches of God's kindness.
usefulness or quality of by (Romans 2:4)
adding something to it. We are
enriched by God to effectively 4. The riches of God's power
fulfill God's purposes in the dwells inside us. (2
earth! Corinthians 4:7)
If you are familiar with 5. We have the riches of a
Rick Renner, he is a world- generous spirit. (2 Corinthians
renowned pastor whose 9:10; 11:6)
ministry is in Russia. The
following is a summary of the 6. The untold riches of God's
study that Rick did on the glory belong to us.
Riches of the New Testament (Ephesians 1:18, Philippians
Believers. I enjoyed it so much 4:19; Colossians 1:27)
that I wanted to share it with
all of you! 7. We possess the riches of
God's bountiful mercy.
Riches are not always (Ephesians 2:4)
measured in dollars and cents.
There are extraordinary riches 8. We are heirs to the riches
available to us as believers of His grace. (Ephesians 1:7-8;
that far outweigh and 2;7)
overshadow monetary means.
In what ways are we as
believers spiritually rich?