Page 4 - Grace Connections October Issue
P. 4
view of the public-to set the world in the be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone
clear with Himself through the sacrifice of can have a whole and lasting life. God
Jesus, finally taking care of the sins He had didn't go to all the trouble of sending his
so patiently endured. 26 This is not only Son merely to point an accusing finger,
clear, but it’s now-this is current history! telling the world how bad it was. He
God sets things right. He also makes it came to help, to put the world right
possible for us to live in His rightness.” again.” John 3:16-17.
Roms 3: 21-16
“If you declare with your mouth,
Remember that old rusty classic "Jesus is Lord," and if you believe in your
vehicle we left abandoned in the salvage heart that God raised Jesus from the
yard waiting on its dead, you will be saved. We believe
destruction. Thousands of others may with our hearts, and so we are made right
view it is only a piece of worthless junk, with God. And we declare with our
but one master mechanic comes along mouths that we believe, and so we are
and sees a classic automobile with great saved .” Romans 10:9-10
potential and value. All the money, work
and time it will take to restore this old After paying the price to redeem the
classic means little to the master old car from the salvage yard, the master
mechanic as he already see the finished mechanic begins his work of complete
product and willing pays the price to restoration. He will completely strip the
rescue this old classic from total car down to the bare chassis, remove any
destruction. and rust, repair any damaged metal, and
begin to massage the sheet metal body
For man, a much greater event happened until his has it perfectly reshaped to his
for all of us. we are all headed for an liking. He goes further than just restoring
eternal destruction. Regardless of race the body. Every component of that
or background, unless someone rescues automobile from redoing the bumpers,
us we are all headed for an eternal interior, window glass, wiring, etc, he
destruction. Jesus paid the price of doesn’t stop until it is fully restored.
redemption for all of mankind when He
died on the cross of Calvary. God put his In man’s life, God's divine work of
love on the line for us by offering his Son restoration begins immediately after
in sacrificial death while we were of no someone receives Jesus Christ as their
use whatever to him. Savior. When that person’s relationship
with God has been created or restored,
16 "This is how much God loved the God begins to carefully and masterfully
world: He gave his Son, his one and only perform the miraculous work that only He
Son. And this is why: so that no one need can upon man’s character while shaping