Page 2 - Grace Connections October Issue
P. 2

God's Plan of Restoration
          Pastor Joe Garnett

               Have you ever gone to a custom car                          Throughout the Bible, God lays out a
        or  bike  show?  If  you  have  not,  I  highly           plan of restoration for man if we choose to

        recommend  you  do  so.  You  will                        follow Him and allow His Word to perform
        undoubtedly  see  some  of  the  most                     the restoration in our lives.
        amazing  examples  of  design  and

        craftmanship  on  display  through  the                          Every classic automobile had its
        automobiles  the  owners  have  placed  in                day of creation, that day when it reached
        the shows. Many have been returned, not                   the end of the assembly line an absolute
        only to their original form, but done so in a             beautiful piece of art was completed.

        matter that made them better that when                    And when you looked in the window you
        they rolled offed the assembly lines. It is               found this thing called a price sticker that
        that restoration that we want to discuss                  sometimes shocked you open seeing the
        here in this article.                                     price, but it declared or reflected the

                                                                  value the manufacturer had placed that
               I  have  spent  years  designing,
        building, and racing stock cars, and have                 automobile.

        even completed a few restoration projects                        In  the  same  way,  man  had  a

        on automobiles, but nothing compared to                   creation date, in which he was created in
        what I see at car shows and cruise ins.                   God’s  own  expressed  image.  “And  God
                                                                  said, Let us make man in our image, after
               Now  this  may  seem  like  a  strange

        comparison, but I find that automobiles,                  our likeness: and let them have dominion
                                                                  over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
        motorcycles, as well as other items have                  of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
        some  commonality  with  people  when  it                 the  earth,  and  over  every  creeping  thing
        comes  to  restoration.  Automobiles,                     that creepeth upon the earth. 27. So God

        motorcycles,  boats,  furniture,  and  a                  created  man  in  His  own  image,  in  the
        multitude  of  other  things  break  down  in             image of God created He him; male and
        time and they get older.                                  female  created  He  them.  28  And  God
                                                                  bless them, and God said unto them, be

        Through  the  love  of  people  for  these                fruitful  and  multiply,  and  replenish  the
        items,  many  will  be  chosen  to  be                    earth, and subdue it: and have dominion
        completely restored, and as exciting as                   over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
                                                                  of the air, and over ever living thing that

        those  thoughts  are,  it  is  even  more                 moveth upon the earth. 29 And God said,
        exciting  when  you  realize  that  broken                behold,  I  have  given  you  every  herb
        people can be restored as well.                           bearing seed, which is upon the face of all
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