Page 10 - Grace Connections October Issue
P. 10
Quenching the Holy Spirit
Pastor Sue Garnett
I Thessalonians 5:19 says, We are not being gentle or
“Do no quench the Spirit” and sensitive. We are also not acting
Ephesians 4:30 says, “And do not in a Christlike manner. We are
grieve the Holy Spirit”. So, what acting as the unbelievers.
does it mean to quench or grieve
the Holy Spirit? Ephesians 4:17-19 says. “This
I say, therefore, and testify in the
Let’s look at the meanings of Lord, that you should no longer
these words so that we can better walk as the Gentiles walk, in the
understand what it means. To futility of their mind, having
grieve means, feel grief for or their understanding darkened,
because of, cause great distress being alienated from the life of
to. To quench means, to become God, because of the ignorance
extinguished, to put out the fire. that is in them, because of the
blindness of their heart, who,
So, what are ways we can being past feeling, has given
grieve or quench the Holy Spirit? themselves over to lewdness, to
work all uncleanness with
When we as Christians greediness.
knowingly commit sin, we grieve
the Holy Spirit. For example: Other ways we can grieve
when we are angry and start Him are listed in chapters 4 and
spewing expletives at someone or 5 of Ephesians. It lists things like
even just yelling and screaming lying, stealing, corrupt words,
or belittling someone, then we are bitterness, wrath, fornication
grieving Him. Ephesians 4:32 say, (sexual immorality),
“Be gentle with one another, covetousness, course jesting, and
sensitive. Forgive one another as idolatry.
quickly and thoroughly as God in
Christ forgave you.” The Word instructs us what
to do or not to do, because failure
When we are doing this, we to abide by those things will
are not walking in love and grieve the Holy Spirit. What He
definitely not forgiving as tells us to do to prevent grieving
quickly as He forgives us. Him is to always speak the truth,