Page 11 - Grace Connections Feb 2022
P. 11

Share your heart: what is                          within us, we can spend time

        troubling you, what you are                               with God in a variety of places.

        thankful for, and your hopes and                          Don’t limit yourself in ways to
        dreams. He listens.                                       accessing the Father.

               If anything in your life has                              Read your bible. Underline,
        taken precedence to spending                              highlight, or write out passages,

        time with God, consider putting                           verses, phrases, or words that

        it on the backburner for a while.                         speak to you. These are the gifts
        When all the social media,                                that keep on giving when you

        entertainment, current events, or                         need encouragement down the
        things of the future take                                 road.

        precedence, it can be almost                                     Try writing out your
        impossible to find room for God.                          prayers yourself in a dedicated

        Consider limiting the amount of                           notebook and record the answers

        time you spend on these activities                        to those prayers as you receive
        and use that time to grow closer                          them.

        to God.
                                                                         Meditate on Scripture. Read
        Make An Intentional Effort to                             it several times and invite the

        Draw Near.
                                                                  Holy Spirit to speak to you about
               Set aside a time where you                         what you have learned in the

        can be alone with God in a place                          context of what is happening in

        with few distractions. Waking up                          your life right now. It does not
        a half hour earlier to read the                           have to be a long verse.

        Word or spend time in prayer                              I have a Senior Pastor who is big
        might be just the thing to help                           on telling us to use a journal to

        you strengthen your relationship                          write down what God has been
        with Christ. YouTube has a                                speaking to us about each day.

        variety of excellent audio Bibles                         Journals aren’t for everyone, but

        to listen to which have the text,                         I am learning they can be a
        so you can read along. Possibly                           valuable tool to help build your

        this would be of help. God will                           faith.
        meet you where you are and

        since the Holy Spirit dwells
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