Page 14 - Grace Connections Feb 2022
P. 14

Such a Time as This                                       trendy and very much in

                              Pastor Bree Rassi                   your face.

               It's tough being a                                        We are still waiting on

        parent! It's tough being a                                God's timing to cover so

        parent especially in this                                 many topics with Kaylee
        season of life.                                           before middle school next
                                                                  year, but we have spent
               I'm sure there were                                years building a solid

        things “back in the day”                                  foundation based on God's

        that made parenting hard                                  word that I know will be
        but let's not compare. Right                              helpful and I pray will keep

        now, Aaron and I are facing                               her grounded.

        subjects that we just don’t

        want to talk about,                                              It's easy to get wrapped

        because at 12, Kayle seems                                up in all the world’s
        so young. But not anymore.                                problems, get into fear, and
                                                                  question all we that we
               Do we really have to                               know to be true, but one

        explain that if you were                                  undisputable truth is, the

        born a female, you'll always                              devil is a liar.
        be a female and that's who

        God intended you to be?                                          He wants you to walk

        What about the fact that                                  in fear and for you to

        God created Adam and Eve                                  question God's word about

        and that's what God                                       how you are raising your
        intended a relationship to                                kids. He wants you walking

        be?                                                       in a state of total
                                                                  confusion and doubt about
               The examples are                                   every choice you make as a

        endless. Over the decades, I                              parent.
        know the big “issues”

        nowadays went on back                                             Therefore, we need to

        then too, but now it's so                                 make certain that we are
                                                                  clear on our understanding
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