Page 19 - Grace Connections Feb 2022
P. 19
doubting. She wasn’t saying, if Jesus also gave his
it be your will, which is another disciples the same ability. In
way of saying, I don’t know if Luke 9:1-2 it says, “And He
you want to heal them or not, called the twelve together, and
but if you do then please heal gave them power and authority
them. She was commanding over all the demons and to heal
healing to their body, in Jesus’ diseases. And He sent them out
name. to proclaim the kingdom of God
and to perform healing.” In
By simply saying, “Be
healed”, she was commanding verse 6 it says, “Departing, they
the body to line up with God’s began going throughout the
promise in the Bible for healing. villages, preaching the gospel
That didn’t leave any room for and healing everywhere.”
doubt. She had more faith in Guess what? He gave us
that moment than many of us the same authority. He gave us
do when we are praying for the same power and authority
those who come forward in a He gave the twelve disciples.
healing line. We are therefore to operate in
the authority Jesus gave us. He
In Acts 3:6-8, Peter said,
“Silver and Gold I do not have, sent us out to heal and deliver
but what I do have I give to His good news, so He gave us
you. In the name of Jesus Christ the authority to do so. He
of Nazareth, walk.” He then didn’t force it on us, He gave it
took him by the hand, helped to us. It’s open to us whether
him to get up, and instantly he we chose to use it or not.
was able to walk. INSTANTLY! Some say he only gave that
Peter had the God kind of faith authority to the twelve
and a boldness to express it. apostles. Really? In Acts 16:18
Paul says, “In the name of Jesus
With undoubting faith, he
commanded healing and Christ I command you to come
believed it would happen and it out of her! At that moment the
did. Why? Because Peter had spirit left her.” He didn’t
learned from the Master, and he request the demon to come
did what he had seen Jesus do. out, he commanded it to come
out and it had to obey, because
he used Jesus’s authority which