Page 20 - Grace Connections Feb 2022
P. 20
was imparted to him as it is to By the same token, we
us all. have a dear friend that was
diagnosed with multiple
Now, while I know that
not all healings are visibly cancers and was also told he
manifested immediately, we was going to die. There was
must never leave room for nothing they could do for him.
doubt. The meaning of doubt is His response was “that is not
to have a feeling of uncertainty what I believe.” See, he got into
or lack of conviction, to be in the Word and understood the
fear or to be afraid. principals of faith and healing,
choosing to believe what God
True faith doesn’t look at said over what man said. He
the physical evidence, it looks was given months that has now
at the spiritual promise. The gone into four years, and he is
fact is, if the Bible says it will showing no signs of slowing
happen, then it will happen, if down. His story has been a
we believe. The Bible is full of great witness to a countless
if’s and that is a big one. “IF” number of people, including
we believe. several doctors.
I think all too often we No where in the New
look at the physical evidence of Testament do we see anyone
the person’s body being weak or asking God to heal or deliver
crippled, instead of looking at someone from a demonic spirit,
God’s promise they will be but rather we see them
restored. commanding it. Why? Because
We had a friend who was sickness and demonic spirits
diagnosed with cancer and the are the work of the Satan.
doctors gave them only a short In Acts 10:38 we are told,
time to live. We talked to them “You know of Jesus of
about God’s healing ability, and Nazareth, how God anointed
they said, “I know, but the Him with the Holy Spirit and
doctors say I’m going to die.” with power, and how He went
Guess what? They died. They about doing good and healing
believed the physical evidence all who were oppressed by the
was greater than the spiritual devil, for God was with Him.”