Page 21 - Grace Connections Feb 2022
P. 21

John 14:12 says, “Verily,                          You can ask God for things like

        Verily, I say unto you, He that                           a new job, a new car, a spouse,
        believeth on me, the works that                           etc. Those are physical not

        I do shall he do also; and                                spiritual. When there is
        greater works than these shall                            sickness, possession, or

        he do; because I go unto my                               oppression, those are spiritual,
        Father.”                                                  and that places them with the

                                                                  realm where we have the legal
               He gave us the authority
        to do those things He did and                             authority to come against
        greater, because His Father,                              them. God never intended

        God, gave Him that same                                   sickness and disease to come
        authority. As a child of God, we                          onto any one of us. Which is

        have the same authority Jesus                             why He gives us the authority
        had, and should be ministering                            to come against them.

        healing in the same manner as                                    I have used the word
        He did.                                                   authority in this article many
                                                                  times, because I want you to
               Mark 16: 17-19 says; “and

        these signs will follow those                             realize you have been given ALL
        who believe in My name; they                              authority by Jesus to come

        will case out demons, they will                           against those things which are
        speak with new tongues, they                              spiritual in nature. It’s time we

        will take up serpents; and if                             start using our God promised,
        they drink any deadly thing, it                           God given authority. This year
        shall not hurt them; they shall                           already, I have lost too many

        lay hands on the sick, and they                           loved ones, and I think it is
        shall recover.” Notice it says,                           time we stepped up in our God

        “they shall recover.”  Then                               given authority and come
        should we not expect to lay                               against those things which we
        hands on the sick and see them                            have been given the right stop.

        healed and made whole?                                           The spiritual battle doesn’t
                                                                  just stop with sickness and
               I have heard many people

        asking God, even begging God                              disease or demonic possession
        to heal someone. Trust me, I                              or oppression. We are in a

        have done it myself until I                               battle, a spiritual battle, for the
        learned my God given authority.                           very souls of our nation and in
                                                                  fact, our world. It’s time we
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