Page 15 - Grace Connections Feb 2022
P. 15
of His Word and confident Remember the devil is
on how we are raising our a liar, so be sensitive to the
children. leading of the Holy Spirit
and pray daily for your kids
Something I'm really
working on is being more and their future.
spirit lead and being more Lastly, find Godly
sensitive to what God friendships with people or
wants to come from my couples who are like
mouth, especially when it minded.
comes to parenting. If we can all focus on
I also have found it these areas while raising
helpful to have people, our children, there is no
friends, and family in my reason we or they can't
life that I can trust, change the world.
knowing they are raising I came across this
their children the same as article last year and it
us. really spoke to me. So
Remember what I said please allow me to share it
in a previous article... It's with you as one parent to
OK that we parent another.
differently in some areas, It said, Don't feel sorry
as we can learn from each for or fear for your kids
other, but sharing a because the world they are
common ground of faith is going to grow up in is not
so vitally important. what it used to be. God
It is in these times, created them and called
when the world is a mess, them for this exact
that we make sure we have moment in time. Their life
set a solid, God centered, wasn't a coincidence or an
faith/Bible based foundation accident.
in our kids' lives.