P. 59
b. Supreme Court and Constitutional Court
c. Regional People's Representative Assembly
d. Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia
9 . Who is the head of the Executive Branch in Indonesia?
a. President
b. Supreme Court
c. Governor
d. Military
1 0. What is the role of the military in Indonesia?
a. Creating and passing laws
b. Maintaining national security
c. Interpreting and enforcing the law
d. Enforcing laws and policies
Exercise 6. Read aloud the text below. Pay attention to the accuracy of pronunciation and
fluency in reading.
Introduction to State Institutions
State institutions are essential components of any functioning government. They are
responsible for ensuring that the laws and regulations of the state are upheld and enforced.
These institutions are critical in maintaining order, protecting citizens' rights, and promoting
society's welfare.
State institution refers to any organization or entity established by the government to
carry out specific functions. State institutions play a vital role in maintaining the functioning
of the government. They enforce laws and regulations, protect citizens' rights, and promote
society's welfare. These institutions can be categorized into different branches of government,
such as the judiciary, legislature, and executive. Each branch of government has its own set of
institutions that work together to ensure that the government functions effectively.
Writing Practice
Exercise 7. Translate the text below into English
Pemerintah Amerika Serikat terdiri dari tiga cabang: cabang legislatif, cabang
eksekutif dan cabang yudikatif. Cabang legislatif, yang disebut Kongres, bertanggung jawab
untuk membuat undang-undang. Kongres terdiri dari dua majelis: Senat dan Dewan
Perwakilan Rakyat. Dalam esai ini, Anda akan mempelajari perbedaan dan persamaan antara
kedua majelis Kongres ini. Ada banyak perbedaan antara Senat dan DPR. Wakil Presiden
Amerika Serikat adalah ketua Senat. Dia harus memberikan suara di Senat jika hasil suara
seri. Di sisi lain, pemimpin DPR disebut Ketua DPR. Para wakil memilih ketua DPR.
Perbedaan lainnya adalah Senat terdiri dari 100 senator, dua dari setiap negara bagian
sedangkan DPR terdiri dari 435 perwakilan. Jumlah perwakilan dari setiap negara bagian
ditentukan oleh populasi negara bagian tersebut. Semakin besar populasi di suatu negara
bagian, semakin banyak perwakilan negara bagian itu di DPR. Perbedaan ketiga adalah