P. 60
senator dipilih untuk masa jabatan enam tahun, sedangkan perwakilan dipilih untuk masa
jabatan dua tahun. Setiap dua tahun, negara mengadakan pemilihan anggota Kongres. Saat
itu, semua anggota DPR dan sepertiga Senat akan dipilih kembali. Ada juga kesamaan antara
Senat dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Misalnya, kedua majelis Kongres terdiri dari pria dan
wanita. Baik senator maupun anggota DPR adalah anggota Kongres yang harus bekerja sama
untuk mencapai tujuan yang sama: membuat, mendiskusikan, memperdebatkan, dan
memberikan suara pada rancangan undang-undang, beberapa di antaranya akhirnya menjadi
undang-undang. Di Gedung Capitol AS di Washington D.C., para senator dan perwakilan
sering bertemu satu sama lain dan dalam kelompok yang lebih kecil untuk membahas
undang-undang. Sebelum Presiden dapat menandatangani undang-undang menjadi undang-
undang, pertama-tama harus disetujui oleh mayoritas anggota DPR dan Senat. Meskipun
Kongres terdiri dari dua jenis pembuat undang-undang, mereka harus bekerja sama untuk
kepentingan rakyat Amerika.
Grammar Practice
Simple Present Continuous
Present Continuous is a tense form of the English language used to describe an action
happening at the time of speaking. It is also known as the Present Progressive tense. This
tense is formed by using the present tense of the verb 'to be' (am, is, are) and adding the
present participle of the main verb (the verb with -ing). This tense is essential in daily
communication and describes actions that are happening right now.
The Present Continuous tense describes actions that are in progress at the time of
speaking. For example, "I am studying for my exam." In this sentence, the action of studying
is happening right now. It is also used to describe actions happening around the time of
speaking. For example, "She is cooking dinner tonight." In this sentence, cooking is not
happening now but will happen later today. This tense is also used to describe temporary
actions or situations. For example, "I am living with my sister until I find a new apartment."
In this sentence, living with the sister is temporary until the speaker finds a new apartment. In
addition, the present continuous can be used to discuss future arrangements or plans. For
example, you can say, "We are going to the movies tonight," meaning you have already
planned to go to the movies soon.
Stative verbs
W e cannot use the continuous with a stative verb. Stative verb includes:
Verbs of thinking and feeling:
believe dislike know like love
hate prefer realize recognize remember
suppose wish understand want think (= believe)
Verbs of the senses:
Appear feel look seem smell sound taste