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                                                                      Hospital Welcomes
                                                                      Celina Holson as
                                                                      Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                           Page 21

          Volume 18 • Issue 12 • $5.00                 June 2022

                                             OUR 18TH YEAR SERVING THE HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY!

                Emergency/                          Healthcare Construction/Real Estate                                       Malpractice

            Trauma Medicine
                                                  New Cancer Center to Augment

                                                                World-Class Care

                                                    BY LOIS THOMSON

                                              Memorial Healthcare System has
                                             been providing world-class care to
                                             patients for decades, and now future
                                             patients seeking care can look forward
                                             to a consolidation of those services
                                             when the new Memorial Cancer
                                             Institute is completed. According to
                                             Mark Greenspan, the purpose of this                                                   Julie Danna
                                             facility, which is currently under con-
                                             struction, is to coordinate all of the
                    Dr. Evan Boyar           cancer care under one roof.                                                 Severity of Jury
                                              As he explained, "Care was being
                                             provided in multiple facilities, so the                                     Verdicts Should
          Broward Health                     purpose of the project is to create a   (l-r) Mark Greenspan, director of construction
                                             consolidation of care, bringing togeth-  and design services, and Dr. Brian Hunis,    Concern Florida
              Expects the                    er our experts in cancer care, and cre-  medical director of oncology and
                                             ating a healing environment for the
                                             patients. It will help to ease their bur-  hematology, Memorial Healthcare System   Physicians
              Unexpected                     den during their journey with the dis-
                                             ease and create a patient and family center healing environment where we can provide   BY VANESSA ORR
           24/7 Emergency                    world-class cancer care. It's also where our physicians and clinicians can collaborate,
                                             and where the patients have the amenities to make their journey easier."   In March of this year, an Iowa City fam-
              and Trauma                      Greenspan, director of construction and design services at Memorial Healthcare   ily was awarded $97.5 million in a med-
                                                                                                  Continued on page 16  ical malpractice case, the largest award of
                 Expertise                                                                                            this kind in state history. This verdict,
                                                                                                                      along with a new Florida House bill on
                                                    Feeding Baby When Formula                                         the horizon, should send up red flags to
                                                                                                                      Florida physicians, according to Julie
               BY BARBARA R. FALLON                          Is Hard to Come By                                       Danna, senior vice president, National
                                                                                                                      Health Care Practice, Danna-Gracey, a
          Anyone who has ever channel surfed           BY ANIRUDDH SETYA, MD, FAAP                                    Division of Risk Strategies.
        has caught a  made-for-TV medical                                                                               “Verdicts that used to be $1 million are
        drama where ER doctors do everything   Formula shortages and empty store shelves have sent par-               now $10 million or higher,” she
        from open heart surgery to handling   ents and caregivers into a panic. Some are stocking up with             explained. “What this means for doctors
        security incidents to curing exotic dis-  help from family and friends while others struggle to buy just      is that their premiums are going up
        eases in a single episode.           one can.                                                                 because most carriers are running at a
          Evan Boyar, M.D., MSE, FAAEM,       Problems with the formula supply began when an Abbott                   loss. For every dollar in, they are not
        Chief of Staff for Broward Health North   Nutrition facility abruptly closed after  Similac, Alimentum,       bringing in enough to cover every dollar
        and District Chief of Emergency      and EleCare formulas were suspected of bacterial contamina-              out.”
        Medicine at Broward Health, describes   tion. This led to a shortage of almost all infant formulas              Because the state of Florida did away
        a more accurate account of what it’s like   across the United States.                                         with tort reform in 2017, it means that
        in a high capacity hospital Emergency                                                                         doctors are particularly at risk as caps on
        Department that from minute to       The Reliance on Formula                              Dr. Aniruddh Setya   non-economic damages in medical mal-
        minute may involve life-threatening   Breastfeeding is not something we can take for granted.                 practice actions litigated in Florida courts
        trauma care, pandemic medicine proto-  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only about a quar-  have been eliminated.
        cols, emergency planning, weather and   ter of U.S. infants born in 2017 were exclusively breastfed during their first six months.   “Since 2017, we have completely lost
        environmental related awareness, clini-  There are many reasons why a mother won’t or can’t nurse. Maternal illness, absence or   tort reform in Florida, which a lot of doc-
        cal teamwork, safety education; and, of   an infant’s own intolerance are some examples. And if a mother has to stop nursing tem-  tors are not even aware of,” said Danna.
        course round-the-clock compassionate   porarily, it can be difficult to resume breastfeeding exclusively.     “When we had tort reform, everything
        high-tech care for anyone from infants to   Infants and children with artificial feeding tubes, metabolic disorders or protein aller-  was stabilized, and premiums were dras-
        seniors who needs sophisticated, imme-  gies may not thrive on breast milk and require specialized formulas, which are limited.   tically lower. However, since 2017, when
        diate expertise after suffering a trauma.   Alternative approaches, including those suggested on the internet, can be harmful to   it was decided that it was unconstitution-
        It’s the stuff that can make the TV story-  infants. For instance, adding extra water to the formula is dangerous. During the first   al to put a cap on pain and suffering
        line seem tame.                      1,000 days of life, nutrition is vital for a child's health and development. Powdered infant   cases, these rates have been going up

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