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MIPS Reporting –
The Importance of Selecting the Let’s Connect:
ACHE of South Florida Spotlight
Right Reporting Methodology
As much as the right CCM
Program will increase practice
revenue and MIPS scores, ACHE of South Florida Member
working with the right MIPS
reporting partner is also an Spotlight: Rudy Molinet
essential element in maximiz-
ing reimbursement for the
work that you perform every
day. Starting with the 2022
As a registered nurse, Rudy Molinet was
reporting period, 1 out of
able to follow his passion for helping peo-
every 2 clinicians will be
BY SARAH REITER AND ple. And while he appreciated being able
penalized up to 9% based on
SCOTT RICE, MD, PHD, MBA, MS to play an important role in patients’ lives,
performance in the MIPS pro-
he realized that a career in healthcare lead-
gram. With what’s at stake and
ership offered the opportunity to make a
given the program is even more complex, you need a comprehensive solution to
difference in an even bigger way.
maximize MIPS points. This year you must earn at least 75 out of the possible 100
“As a nurse, I was having a one-on-one
MIPS points to avoid penalty so it’s imperative to have a strategic plan to under-
impact on patients and families, but as a
stand the impact the reporting methodology has and to choose the best methodol-
healthcare leader, I could make a differ-
ogy and reporting partner.
ence to an even larger group or an entire
A superior reporting methodology, known as Certified EHR Technology
healthcare system,” he said.
(CEHRT), has emerged and should be strongly considered for use by all practices
Molinet returned to school to earn his
participating in the MIPS program. Reporting through CEHRT dramatically
master’s in healthcare administration at
improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the reporting process especially when
Columbia University, and worked in Rudy Molinet
done using ONC certified software. A CEHRT utilizes eCQMs (electronic Clinical
healthcare operations, marketing and
Quality Measures), which are better at optimizing the MIPS points to be earned.
sales, and strategic planning before starting his own consulting company,
Unless you select a reporting partner that will help you earn the most points by
Artemis Synergies. He now provides services in all aspects of management,
leveraging technology to facilitate the ease, accuracy, and completeness of tracking
including strategic planning, management development, corporate restructur-
and reporting to maximize your score, you risk leaving points on the table and sig-
ing and reorganization, executive coaching and more.
nificantly sub-optimizing your MIPS score. Reporting via a CEHRT, like Health
“I’m a novelty seeker; it’s never boring because there are always new things
eFilings, is the best approach because it optimizes the points that could be earned
happening,” he said of the myriad roles his position requires.
and therefore, maximizes Medicare reimbursements.
Molinet also provides stand-alone coaching to healthcare executives at all
Health eFilings, a CEHRT, is the best choice for a reporting partner. Our cloud-
stages of their careers. “Clients may include late-careerist CEOs facing chal-
based ONC certified software automates the process and does all the work without
lenges who value my level of experience or mid- and early careerists figuring
IT resources, administrative support or workflow changes. Health eFilings service
out where they want to go and how to get to the level they want,” he said.
is an end-to-end electronic solution that will save significant time, be a turnkey
As the first openly gay board member at Holy Cross Health in Fort
submission process and maximize the financial upside for providers.
Lauderdale, FL, Molinet is also focused on the importance of diversity, equity,
and inclusion (DEI), and provides education on the needs of the LGTBQ+
Sarah Reiter is SVP Strategic Partnerships, Health eFilings, and
community. “In this way, I am able to merge my two passions—social justice
Dr. Scott Rice is Chief Medical Officer, Your Doctor In Touch.
and equality within the healthcare system,” he said.
For more information, please contact Richard Grosso
An adjunct professor at Florida Atlantic University, he also teaches MBA and
at or call (561) 935-9000.
MHA students leadership, marketing and strategic planning, and has incorpo-
rated ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives) into his role at FAU.
“One of my proudest achievements, in addition to becoming an ACHE fel-
MAKINGROUNDS…MAKINGROUNDS… low, is that I was able to convince FAU Executive Education to pay for the first
year of each student’s membership in ACHE,” he said. “There are so many
benefits, from learning how to comport yourself, to having high ethical values,
to knowing what an elevator speech is, to networking with other healthcare
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, professionals.
“No one is going to come knock on your door and ask you if you want to
Kathleen Berkowitz, MD, Joins be a CEO,” he laughed. “No matter how old you are, or your station in life, or
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health what you think you know, every day should be a learning opportunity or expe-
rience, and ACHE provides that.”
Molinet is such a firm believer in this tenet of lifelong learning that at the
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health welcomes board-certi- age of 62, after years in the healthcare industry, he decided to pursue his own
fied maternal-fetal medicine specialist, Kathleen ACHE Fellow credential. “I feel so strongly about the importance of the
Berkowitz, M.D. Upon earning her medical degree at FACHE credential that I decided to become board-certified,” he said. “I hadn’t
Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Dr. Berkowitz taken a six-hour board exam in many, many years, but I passed it on the first
completed the OB/GYN Residency Program at Columbia try.
Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, and the Dr. Kathleen Berkowitz “Not only has it helped my consulting practice, but it adds gravitas to my
Maternal/Fetal Medicine Fellowship at University of California Medical role as a healthcare executive,” he added. “When you have those initials after
Center/Irvine. Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic Martin Health, Dr. Berkowitz was your name, it says it all in terms of this industry and our profession.”
Vice Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Cleveland Clinic
Fairview Hospital.
8 June 2022 South Florida Hospital News