P. 13
Disaster ... Trauma Medicine ... Emergency Medicine ... Disaster ... Trauma Medicine ...
Cover Story: Broward Health Expects the Unexpected
Continued from page 1
Response to Unique Locale blunt trauma. safety protocols to protect staff while on- and regular drills followed by analysis and
and Demographics Dr. Boyar explained, “Older, frail shift and intense behavioral checklists to a sharing of best practices help formulate
For example, because of its unique loca- patients who often suffer from several ail- gauge their wellbeing in the aftermath of process improvements and improved
tion Broward Health North, near Port ments and take a pharmacy of medica- tragedies like mass shooting incidents, readiness. Broward Health has frequently
Everglades in Fort Lauderdale and Fort tions can present complex health hurdles domestic, child and sexual abuse cases, participated in collegial conferences with
Lauderdale - Inter na tional Airport, is the and that may complicate a course of care and other societal ills that often present in other hospitals regarding lessons learned
receiving facility for trauma or other terti- when seconds count.” the Emergency Department as causal diag- in the aftermath of tragic incidents.
ary care needs for major illness from the Also, language and cultural barriers noses.
islands where advanced lifesaving technol- can present serious consequences to a “Opportunities for recuperative time off, A Look Forward
ogy is not available. seemingly straight-forward care plan. staggered shifts, counseling, therapy, pro- Looking toward the future, Dr. Boyar
“International Medicine requires tech- Broward Health has considered the con- fessional intervention and coaching is predicts an accelerated trend to marry all
nology that provides clear communica- sequences of miscommunications and practiced which encourages nurses, doc- the stages of emergency and trauma care
tions and readiness to handle severe has a solution. tors, residents and all ancillary caregivers delivery. “Using diagnostic and monitoring
injuries and illness even while the patient “Since we live and work in a melting including our first responders in the field technology during pre-hospital care to ED
may still be airborne,” Dr. Boyar pot of Haitian Creole, Eastern European to follow wellness guidelines,” Dr. Boyar and intensive care through post hospital
explained. “Also, our location which is and French-Canadian influences we use said. “We coach our staff regarding mental at-home care will enable us to elevate trau-
close to highways and waterways, fre- a robust audio/visual program at our fin- health tips to check their own well-being ma and emergency care to a higher lifesav-
quently provides scenarios for severe gertips to translate degrees of symptom for tell-tale signs of fatigue or clues of ing level and improve patient outcomes.
trauma from auto and air accidents and severity, share stat consults on iPads and burnout and offer other opportunities to We will be able to diagnose earlier, treat
boating incidents,” he said. accelerate pre-hospital knowledge in continue emergency careers without immediately - often in the field - and mon-
Leisure living in the Fort Lauderdale order to understand patients and trans- endangering their own mental or physical itor follow-up care with remote communi-
area undeniably includes the dangers of late to them and their families and the health,” he explained. cations, advanced imaging, bio markers
children and pools and near drowning or first responder pre-hospital caretakers According to Dr. Boyar, the field of emer- and telehealth options. We already con-
heat-related construction worker emer- regarding the appropriate treatment,” gency medicine is popular because it offers verse with stakeholders to enable special-
gencies along with typical on-the-job according to Dr. Boyar. work schedules amenable to providers, ists on-call to evaluate rapidly, advance
falls, cuts and mishaps. minus the need to get entangled in the treatments and stimulate speed to care that
Additionally due to the demographics Health Watch for Caregivers business side of a medical practice. saves lives,” he concluded.
which include significant senior, tourist, Naturally, all the above—and more— However, when burnout threatens there
and immigrant populations, there can be require a clinical readiness above the gold are still vital hands-on administrative To learn more about Broward Health’s
age and cultural barriers that need to be standard. However, maintaining that level input roles for emergency medical plan- Emergency Services, visit
addressed even when dealing with life- of expertise and care delivery 24/7 can take ning such as preparation for weather relat-, call
threatening illness and injury such as a toll on the front-line heroes who can suf- ed catastrophes, active shooter incidents (954) 759-7500 or email
heart attacks, strokes, broken bones, and fer from a type of combat fatigue. To avoid and unexpected work calamities. An annu-
this, Dr. Boyar describes comprehensive al hazard vulnerability check is mandatory
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South Florida Hospital News June 2022 13