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        Cover Story:  New Cancer Center to Augment World-Class Care

        Continued from page 1                                                    terms of the delivery and availability of equipment and material. Those have been the
        System, has been responsible for managing the design and construction of this proj-  most significant impacts we've had to mitigate along the path of the project."
        ect, as well as all projects in the System – which is the nation's fifth-largest public   He added, however, that he and his team have been proactive, identifying risk and
        healthcare system and one that includes six hospitals. "I have the privilege of helping   monitoring it in an effort to keep the project on schedule. "It's been an area of focus
        to plan and execute these important clinical advancements for the community, so I'm   for our team and our design partners and our construction manager. We meet about
        proud of what I get to do. We have an entire construction and design department, and   these issues on a weekly basis, and when things occur unexpectedly, we problem-
        we see the projects from start to finish." He said the department represents the entire   solve and find solutions. We're definitely dealing with things we never thought we
        healthcare system and applies their expertise to the design firms, to manage and see   would be, but they've become the norm now."
        projects from concept all the way through to transition and operations. "It's a great   The projected date of completion for the 121,000 sq. ft. Memorial Cancer Institute
        role for us to play."                                                    is spring 2023. Greenspan said the frame has just finished being built, and work has
          He said Memorial Cancer Institute has been in the works for about five years, and   now begun on the interior. When finished, it will consolidate resources such as radi-
        he and the members of the team initially had opportunities to visit other similar facil-  ation oncology, breast oncology, and hematology oncology. There will be 76 exam
        ities. "We looked at benchmarks and brought back the best we could find; couple that   rooms, 53 infusion bays, telehealth rooms, linear accelerators, a café, image recovery,
        with the world-class care and services that we already provide, and that's how the   a meditation room, and a rooftop terrace where both providers and patients can get
        project was born. It also happened by collaboration with our executive leaders, physi-  away for a respite. In short, coordinated patient care will take place, and cancer
        cians, and nurses, as well as input from patients and families."         research will also be housed in the new facility.
          Greenspan mentioned that feedback from the latter groups is important because   Memorial Cancer Institute, along with its research partner Florida Atlantic
        "first and foremost we're here to serve them. That's the art of what we do. We can't   University, is already designated as one of only five Cancer Centers of Excellence in
        plan effectively without their voice in our projects. We're here to advance the mission   Florida. The designation recognizes providers that exceed service standards and excel
        of the organization and to create the care environment, and we can't do that without   in providing quality, comprehensive, and patient-coordinated care.
        bringing together all those perspectives."                                 Of the work on this new project, Greenspan concluded, "Our time is invested in
          Having been in the works for a few years means that the COVID pandemic came   helping the community and in helping to provide care, so it's a satisfying mission."
        into play right in the midst of the Memorial Cancer Institute project. Greenspan com-
        mented that the impact of the virus has been twofold. "We're seeing price escalation                                           For more information,
        across all the construction commodities and we're seeing supply chain disruption in                      call (954) 265-4325, or visit

         16                        June 2022                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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