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Coming                               ElderCare Update in South Florida...ElderCare Update in South
             next month in

             South Florida                               Holy Cross Health AgeWell Center Focusing
           Hospital News                                          on Social Interaction and Wellness

           and Healthcare                                            as Key to a Healthy Senior Life

             • Financial, Legal
                and Business
              Professionals in

               •  Advances in
                & Medicine                    The Holy Cross Health AgeWell Center opened its doors in September 2021 as a comprehensive, collaborative primary care
                                            practice focused on well-being and social interaction. With a Family Physician and a Geriatrician on staff providing primary care
                                            services, the AgeWell Center also includes a clinical pharmacist, licensed social worker, concierge service and care management
            • Medical Tourism               to round out their care team.
                                              The team at the AgeWell Center firmly believes that healthy activities and social interaction are crucial for seniors to live their

                                            best life. Patients with Medicare or Medicare Advantage insurance and are a patient of either the AgeWell Center or any Holy Cross
                                            Health Primary Care Provider are eligible to participate in all activities and classes at no cost. In-person yoga, chair yoga, Zumba,
              For more information          balance, support groups and tech classes are just some of the activities that are now available in person at the AgeWell Center.
                                            Additional social events such as Trivia and Bingo have also begun and have been positively received by patients.
               on advertising and
                                              The AgeWell Center continues to take new patients with Medicare or Medicare Advantage insurance, and same-day appoint-
           editorial opportunities, call    ments are available for established patients. In addition to primary care services, classes and social activities, patients have access
             (561) 368-6950 today!          to multiple other services within the Holy Cross HealthPlex. Services such as lab, imaging, women’s health, physical therapy, spa,
                                            medical massage and the Blessed Bistro Café are all available within the same building.

                                                                         The AgeWell Center is located in the Holy Cross HealthPlex at 1000 NE 56th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
                                                                                For more information, call (954) 542-0700 or visit

               Caring Continuo                                              ough

                                                  odss, and Storms
               Hurricanes, Floo

               Supporting advanced illn

                                                    ness patients and

               families before, during,              andd after emergencies
               From staging to supplies,  VITTAAS® Heal lthcare has a disaster plan in place.
                                                    ected with A
               W Wee are the first hospice provider conne        T      irstN et, the
                                                                T&T F
               nationwide broadband network dedicat  ted too public safety . O ur pr otocols
               divert resources to ensure patients and  famillies can always r each VIT AS
               by phone. When needed, we deliver vit tal suupplies in extra quantities
                                    f ev
                                                              e can relocate patients
                                                     cessaary, w
               to patients at home Ifevacuation is necessa  y ,  we can r elocate patients
               to patients at home. I
                                        acuation is ne
               to an inpatient unit.
                                                    nues tto be our mission—ev
               Putting patients and families first contin                      en amid
               natural disasters.
               Download our referral app, vis        it VI, or call
               800.93.VITTAAS for always-availa      ble hospice car   e for
               your patients.

                                          |  Since 1980

         20                       June 2022                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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