P. 22
What’s New... What’s New...What’s New...
Broward Health Imperial Point Dedicates The Pap Corps Donates $3.5 Million
‘T ree of Life’ in Celebration of Nurses Week to Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
To kick off National Nurses Week,
Broward Health Imperial Point cele-
brated with a tree planting and dedi-
cation ceremony to honor and recog-
nize the committed and caring team
of nurses at the Fort Lauderdale hos-
A lignum vitae, also known as the
“tree of life,” was planted at the hos-
pital’s main entrance with nurses
from various departments taking
turns adding dirt to ground the
sapling. The tree is a native species of
Florida and is known for its combina-
tion of toughness, resiliency and
adaptability , which is representative
of nurses’ career qualities.
“Remember, that the strongest trees
have weathered the greatest storms
just as nurses have over the last two
years,” said Netonua Reyes, MSN,
chief nursing officer at Broward The Pap Corps Board
Health Imperial Point. “This has You canít keep champions down! Rebounding from COVID-19, The Pap Corps
made us stronger with deeper roots Champions for Cancer Research ( came back full swing with their
that anchor us here, where we can fundraising for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. The nonprofit recently donated $3.5 million to
grow in our professional practice of Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Almost 300 Pap Corps members, along with
nursing.” leaders from Sylvester, enjoyed a beautiful breakfast at Boca West, where the check was
The tree will forever represent Netonua Reyes, MSN, chief nursing officer at presented to Jayne Sylvester Malfitano on behalf of the center.
nurses at Broward Health. Its roots Broward Health Imperial Point and Rachel ìI am so proud of our amazing members,î declared Sally Berenzweig, CEO of The Pap
spread out in all directions, as well as Chavez, RN, manager of the progressive care Corps. ìYour dedication and passion, especially during these past few years, has been
its branches, symbolizing how the unit at Broward Health Imperial Point such an inspiration.î
health system is connected to the Jayne Sylvester Malfitano, whose parents endowed the center, spoke eloquently about
diverse community it serves. The trunk represents a single unit, linking healthcare the special partnership between The Pap Corps and Sylvester, and shared several of the
providers together for years to come and providing nourishment, shade and shelter, just numerous scientific advancements that have occurred thanks to research, including the
as nurses do. rise of precision medicine, which is an approach to cancer treatment that is targeted at
“We specifically chose this tree because of its adaptability and individuality ,” said genetic markers in each personís unique cancer.
Rachel Chavez, RN, manager of the progressive care unit at Broward Health Imperial Sylvester is the only NCI-Designated Cancer Center in South Florida, and The Pap
Point. “Every tree is unique just like our nurses.” Corps has donated over $110 million during the past 70 years to support cancer research.
“We all grow in different directions and will grow around something if it gets in our To celebrate these seven decades of giving, Robert Weinroth, Mayor of Palm Beach
way ,” she said. “The roots that we have planted remind us that to grow , we need to be County presented a proclamation honoring the nonprofitís service.
grounded, and no matter how high we go, our roots will offer us stability .”
Lee Health Announces Alliance
with Cleveland Clinic’s Heart, Shifting the Script:
Vascular & Thoracic Institute T ransitioning Patients to Natural
Lee Health has entered an affiliation agreement with Cleveland Clinic and is now an T reatments for Pain and Inflammation
alliance member of Cleveland Clinic’s Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart, Vascular &
Thoracic Institute, uniting Southwest Florida’s leading health care provider with the top-
ranked cardiac program in the U.S. to elevate patient care in Southwest Florida. Do your patients suffer from chronic • Medical grade formula that is safe
This latest announcement follows the previously established strategic alliance between joint pain or mobility issues? Are you for daily use
Cleveland Clinic and Lee Health in November 2020 to enhance and improve care in looking for a natural way to help them • USDA certified organic and pesti-
Southwest Florida by exploring opportunities for service line affiliations and strategic ini- reduce inflammation and get relief cide free
tiatives to improve quality and efficiency of care through clinical and operational without pharmaceuticals or NSAIDS? • No artificial colors, flavors, or
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22 June 2022 South Florida Hospital News