P. 26

Back Cover Story: Trulieve Announces PRIDE-related Activities for June

        Continued from back cover            and supportive environment for mem-   •  Chocolate bars:  Satisfy your crav-  the only one of its kind in the state of
          Last year, Trulieve donated more than   bers of the LGBTQ+ community and   ings with these tasty and therapeutic   Florida. The initial product release earli-
        $60,000 from Pride Month 2021 product   beyond. Ensuring that our patients and   chocolate bars. It’s a unique way to make   er this year of 500 units sold out within
        sales in Florida dispensaries that benefit-  customers feel seen and heard when they   your cannabis experience safe, enjoy-  24 hours.
        ed four Florida-based non-profits that   walk into one of our stores is paramount   able, and delicious.        With a variety of products available,
        support LGBTQ+ people, groups, and   to us as a company.”                  •  Gummies/gels:  The answer to any   some new customers may feel over-
        communities.                           Trulieve also recently launched a   sweet tooth, these gummies provide   whelmed over what kind of products to
          Non-profit beneficiaries in 2021   PRIDE Employee Resource Group       great flavor in an easy-to-use, on-the-go   choose. Collins offered the following
        included:                            (ERG), with representation from each of   form.                          advice on how to begin your cannabis
          • 26Health                         their three Hubs and supported by an   “Everybody has a muse and for many,   journey:
          • Equality FL                      Executive   Sponsor    and    Co-   it’s cannabis,” says Collins. “With premi-  “Many first-time patients start with
          • Metro Inclusive Health           Chairpersons. The ERGs will plan grass-  um, mind-expanding concentrates and   tinctures because they’re easy to dose
          • National Center for Transgender   roots sessions to facilitate personal   cartridges, Muse awakens your creativity,   drop-by-drop to help you gauge your tol-
        Equality                             growth and idea-sharing, providing a   giving you permission to let go and give   erance levels,” she says. “Capsules are
          By partnering with local organizations   safe space and promoting free-flowing   in to inspiration. This product helps you   also a great way to begin because they’re
        like Metro Inclusive Health and sponsor-  conversations that will positively shape   break the barriers of expectation. We free   similar to other medications and can be
        ing Florida PRIDE events, Trulieve is ful-  Trulieve.                    your mind so you can tap into the depths   put in medicine trays with other pills.
        filling its mission to create profound eco-                              of your creativity without reservation.”   Edible gummies and chocolate are con-
        nomic and social advancement opportu-  New Product Introductions           Another recently launched product,   venient and tasty. Vapes or inhalables are
        nities within the communities they serve   Trulieve also recently announced sev-  Muse, is available in three forms:   fast-acting for those seeking immediate
        by contributing to and developing part-  eral new products. Trulieve’s newest   • Vapes - Muse is your portal to cre-  relief.”
        nerships with local organizations.   introduction of tasty edibles, Sweet Talk,   ativity with a terpene-rich, full-spec-  Collins says that it’s important you
          “Trulieve encourages and celebrates   launched in Florida earlier this year.   trum, richly aromatic, flavorful, and   understand the potency of the products
        those who come from all walks of life,"   These craveable chocolates and gels are   incredibly smooth experience from fresh   you’re using and how your dosage will
        said Gina Collins, Vice President of   infused with premium quality cannabis.   frozen flower, ensuring the relief is   affect you. Start small and increase
        Marketing at Trulieve. "We are proud of   Sweet Talk gives the goods that are sure   robust and healing in nature.   dosage as needed based on recommenda-
        our efforts to create a safe, welcoming,   to leave a big smile on your face.    • Concentrates - Extracted in its state-  tion from your physician.
                                                                                  of-the-art lab with fresh frozen flower,   “Many Trulieve dispensaries offer on-
                                                                                  Muse provides a full-spectrum concen-  site consultations to help patients obtain
                                                                                  trate that is exceptionally flavorful and   appropriate medical products and
                                                                                  typically contains higher levels of ter-  dosages to ensure optimal cannabis
                                                                                  penes than other traditional concen-  experiences,” she says.
                                                                                   • Live Diamonds by Muse – The most              For more information, visit
                                                                                  recent innovation from Trulieve's state-      
                                                                                  of-the-art hydrocarbon extraction lab,

                                                                                      Trulieve CEO Kim Rivers Receives

                                                                                        Green Market Report Women's

                                                                                                    Leadership Award

                                                                                      Trulieve Cannabis Corp. announced that its
                                                                                    Chief Executive Officer Kim Rivers has won Green
                                                                                    Market Report's Women's Leadership Award in the
                                                                                    C-Suite category.
                                                                                      In the last year, Rivers has been the driving force
                                                                                    behind several major business developments in
                                                                                    the cannabis industry, including Trulieve's leading
                                                                                    retail footprint in U.S. cannabis, industry leading
                                                                                    profitability, and transformational purchase of
                                                                                    Harvest Health and Recreation. Rivers set a new
                                                                                    industry standard with Trulieve's release of its
                                                                                    inaugural Environmental, Social, and Governance
                                                                                    (ESG) report, the first issued by an American multi-state cannabis operator.
                                                                                      The Women's Leadership Award honors women          Kim Rivers
                                                                                    in the cannabis industry for their work in several
                                                                                    different categories including Activism/Politics, Social Equity, Cultivation, and
                                                                                      "It's an honor to be recognized amongst so many talented leaders who are
                                                                                    redefining this industry," said Rivers. "As the only female-led public multi-state
                                                                                    operator, Trulieve has a unique opportunity to increase female representation and
                                                                                    ownership within the sector. It's also important to use this platform to foster sig-
                                                                                    nificant economic and social advancement opportunities for local communities
                                                                                    across the country. I look forward to a future when female leadership is ubiqui-
                                                                                    tous in the C-Suite."

         26                       June 2022                                                                                                                                              Cannabis News Florida
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