P. 29


        Back Cover Story: Marc Egort, CPA, P.A.:

        Helping Your Business Navigate the Cannabis Industry

         Continued from back cover           more importantly, from a tax standpoint.   accounting practices are now offering serv-  minded, and have a positive attitude about
         a population of productive income-pro-  There are extreme limitations on what a   ices to cannabis businesses, Egort feels he   compliance. Understand that your busi-
         ducing individuals who have not done   business owner can use as deductions   has one great advantage over the others.    ness advisors, whether they are lawyers,
         anything other than use cannabis, which   against the income earned from distribut-  “We're a smaller, boutique firm with   accountants or other business consultants,
         is available via nature.”           ing or selling cannabis, whether it's medic-  seven total employees, so we don't have   are all in your corner and are looking to
          Egort also has a strong opinion about   inal or recreational.”          the distractions of a larger firm where it's   help you become successful and to navi-
         the medical value of cannabis.        The challenges that consultants or tax   multilayered and multilevel,” he says. “As   gate a very highly regulated, challenging,
          “There are other progressive countries   advisors such as Egort have is to help   a result, we’re able to provide a unique per-  and often misunderstood, industry.”
         out in this world that are doing tremen-  those members of the industry navigate   spective with the same level of expertise   Finally, he stresses the importance of
         dous amounts of research and medical   the restrictions on what they can deduct   but with greater attention and focus for   working with professionals who you are
         advancement and using cannabis for treat-  against that. Even though, it’s federally   our clients. Our clients will never feel like   comfortable working with. For example,
         ments for cancer or degenerative diseases   illegal, it falls under a certain classifica-  they're getting bounced around from one   do the communication styles match? Is
         such as Parkinson’s Disease, which my   tion. While IRS Code Section 280E is clear   professional to another. We all share the   there easy access to the professional—are
         father was afflicted with,” he says. “There's   that all the deductions and credits are not   same level of expertise and resources.   they readily available?
         leading, cutting-edge research happening   allowed for an illegal business, there is a   You're getting high value no matter who   “You should really decide what's impor-
         in the cannabis field right now, but I feel   caveat cannabis businesses are aware of:   you work with in our office.”   tant to you in the professionals you choose
         the United States is woefully behind in   marijuana business owners can deduct   Whether you work with Egort’s practice   to work with,” he says. “The knowledge
         that arena.”                        their cost of goods sold, which is basically   or any other firm, Egort offers this   base about a subject area is similar for
          One of the reasons the nation is behind   the cost of their inventory.    accounting advice:                every professional. So, you should decide
         is due to the fact that cannabis remains   This means they still must report the   “Always ask good questions and sur-  what's important to you for a working rela-
         illegal on the federal level. That makes   income. They don't have the same flexibil-  round yourself with really good profes-  tionship. The relationship is ultimately
         cannabis accounting more challenging.   ity or liberties that businesses who are not   sionals who are embedded in the indus-  what matters. Cannabis is a relationship-
          “Cannabis is unique because it’s consid-  operating under the pretense have as far as   try,” he notes. “Those are the people who   driven business. That's where the value is.”
         ered to be—and is labeled—as a Schedule   what they can deduct against that income.   will have access to resources specific to the
         I narcotic in the United States,” Egort says.   Therefore, their taxes are significantly   industry, no matter what industry it is,   For more information,
         “Since it is a federally illegal activity, it   higher than other industries.   whether it's cannabis or anything else in   visit
         makes that unique from an accounting or   While other tax consultants and   healthcare. Also, be sure to listen, be open

                                                                                                      July 29-31, 2022
                                                                                                            Rosen Centre Hotel
                                                                                                              Orlando, Florida

                                                                                                        The Inaugural

                                                                                                   Cannabis in Sports

                                                                                                           (CIS 2022)

                                                                                                      6FLHQWLÀF %DVHG

                                                                                           Presentations for the Use of

                                                                                                   Cannabis in Sports.

                                                                                              For more info view this link:
                  This conference is designed to foster education on
                              the use of cannabis in sports!

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