P. 30

TM                                       AROUND
                  Florida’s Resource for
                   Medical & Business
                 Cannabis Developments

                    PO Box 812708
                Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950                  Ayr Wellness Opens 47th Florida Dispensary in Clermont

                       Website:                  Ayr Wellness Inc. announced the opening of its 47th Florida dispensary, located in Clermont, a western suburb of
          CHARLES FELIX                          The new dispensary spans 4,000 square feet of retail space and is located near Clermont Historical Village. The store fea-
          CAROL FELIX                          tures Ayr’s full line of concentrates, edibles, gummies, vapes, and a selection of high-quality flower, including newly
          Publishers                           launched Kynd whole flower offerings and Walking STiX pre-rolls.
                                                 “We continue to open stores in Florida at a rapid pace, with today’s opening marking 47 locations across the state,” said
          NANCY LAMMIE
          JMC Graphics                         Jonathan Sandelman, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Ayr. “The expansion of our Florida footprint, combined with the con-
          Art/Production                       tinued rollout of our national brands like Kynd, STiX and Entourage, positions us well to continue to capture market share
                                               throughout the Sunshine State.”
          JUDY GRAMM
          Editorial Manager
                                                                           Curaleaf Names Matt Darin CEO
          Daniel Casciato                        Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. announced that Matt Darin will become Chief Executive Officer of Curaleaf Holdings, Inc., while
          Barbara Fallon
          Vanessa Orr                          current CEO Joe Bayern will launch and run a new division of Curaleaf developing a new CPG-based business model.
          Lois Thomson                           Executive Chairman Boris Jordan said, "When we named Matt president in January, it was a deliberate move to strengthen
                                               our leadership bench to support our growth strategy and build a succession plan for the future. The Board and I are all
          SUBSCRIPTIONS                        incredibly grateful for Joe's accomplishments during his tenure as CEO. He brought us into a new way of working and think-
          One Year - $45                       ing strategically as a CPG company. His experience as a brand builder and CPG leader will be instrumental for our new ven-
          Two Years - $70                      ture at a time when the opportunities in the marketplace are only just being realized. We'll be sharing more on the new divi-
          Three Years - $85
          To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950    sion and its role in our strategy soon."
          Or email:   Darin brings dynamic leadership skills, an entrepreneurial mindset and experience as a first-class operator in the cannabis
                                               industry. As a founder of Grassroots, he was a first entrant in some of the top cannabis markets in the U.S., including Illinois
          All rights reserved. Reproduction    and Pennsylvania. Since joining Curaleaf in July 2020, he led the Central region, the company's largest by footprint and rev-
          In whole or part without written     enue. In 2021 he added the Southeast region to his responsibilities, helping increase Curaleaf's market share by 55%.
          permission is prohibited. Copyright ©2022

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