P. 4

New DCMA President

                                                                                            Exhibits Love for Profession

                                                                                           BY LOIS THOMSON

                                                                                     Rafael J. Fernandez, Jr., comes from a
                                                                                   family of physicians – he's the grandson
                                                                                   of a physician, and the son and the
                                                                                   nephew of one. In addition, his brother,
                                                                                   spouse, and one son are all physicians.
                                                                                   (He also pointed out he is equally proud
                                                                                   of his other son, who is an attorney in
                                                                                   Miami.) But while some offspring might
                                                                                   feel pressured into following in the fam-
                                                                                   ily footsteps, that wasn't the case with
                                                                                   Dr. Fernandez. As he commented, "I
                                                                                   think it was in the genes, but I'm most
                                                                                   fortunate, my family didn't force me
                                                                                   into medicine, it was my own choice."       Rafael J. Fernandez, Jr.
                                                                                     No, Dr. Fernandez wasn't forced but
                                                                                   rather has shown a love for the profes-  physicians who are not members, I'd
                                                                                   sion, as evidenced by the fact that he   like to highly encourage them to join.
                                                                                   took over as president of the Dade   For members, I want to make clear that
                                                                                   County Medical Association in June. He   I am not the DCMA; I have just been
                                                                                   said that process began a few years prior   provided the privilege and the responsi-
                                                                                   when he was invited to be a representa-  bility to sit in this position for one year.
                                                                                   tive from the South District for the   But the real DCMA are the members;
                                                                                   DCMA. "I came on board during a time   and as members, our goal is to help
                                                                                   of transition," he said; and during that   physicians in Dade County address
                                                                                   time a few highly qualified directors,   challenges that we face, to help educate
                                                                                   along with several top physicians and   the public and the legislature – regard-
                                                                                   leaders, "really re-energized this organi-  less of party – and guide medicine in the
                                                                                   zation. That motivated me to continue."   county so that we can provide the best
                                                                                     He appreciates the opportunities the   quality care for our patients and advo-
                                                                                   association has provided, such as partic-  cate for them in their times of need.
                                                                                   ipating in the Physician Leadership   "I will do my best to get the message
                                                                                   Academy, which he said exposed him to   out there, to both the public and physi-
                                                                                   an area not normally received in med-  cians, and encourage them to be active
                                                                                   ical education and training. The contin-  members in this organization."
                                                                                   uing medical education (CME) pro-     With all of the benefits of being a
                                                                                   grams that allow physicians to maintain   member, why wouldn't the medical
                                                                                   their licensure in Florida have also been   community want to join? Dr. Fernandez
                                                                                   expanded. Additionally, the organiza-  said sometimes people may not be
                                                                                   tion's journal was reborn as a peer   aware of the organization. "Unfor -
                                                                                   review journal, Miami Medicine, allow-  tunately, medicine is complex, there are
                                                                                   ing both students and residents, as well   a lot of moving parts, and it creates a lot
                                                                                   as physicians, to publish their research   of challenges. Commitment to the deliv-
                                                                                   to educate the patients, community in   ery of healthcare eats up a lot of our
                                                                                   general, and physicians.            time, more so now than it did 50 years
                                                                                     Finally, Dr. Fernandez said he would   ago." He said one way to attract people
                                                                                   be remiss not to recognize the challenge   who have been on the fence is to contin-
                                                                                   of the COVID-19 pandemic the past two   ue offering enhancements such as the
                                                                                   years, which has been stressful to every-  Miami Medicine journal, providing
                                                                                   one associated with healthcare. The   CMEs so they can see the value of mem-
                                                                                   DCMA sought to get Personal         bership, and showing them the oppor-
                                                                                   Protective Equipment for family mem-  tunities that are available, because Dade
                                                                                   bers of physicians who were on the   County is such a diverse community.
                                                                                   front lines, taking care of the sick but   While Dr. Fernandez realizes the ben-
                                                                                   then going home and possibly exposing   efit of being part of such an organiza-
                                                                                   their own family. "They were able to get   tion, he emphasizes the support he has
                                                                                   a grant to manage some things like that   received along the way. "I want to make
                                                                                   for family members. The physical and   sure I point out that where I am today
                                                                                   mental health of physicians has also   probably has more to do with the love
                                                                                   been taxed as a result of the pandemic,   and support I've had from my family,
                                                                                   something DCMA is assisting physi-  friends, and colleagues in South Florida.
                                                                                   cians with through the development of   I also need to recognize my dedicated
                                                                                   a Wellness Program. Those kinds of   staff, who help me run a solo practice
                                                                                   accomplishments are what really moti-  here in Coral Gables."
                                                                                   vated me to continue forward in this   The DCMA can provide similar sup-
                                                                                   organization."                      port as well.
                                                                                     For those reasons, Dr. Fernandez stat-
                                                                                   ed some of the things he hopes to                   For more information,
                                                                                   accomplish as president: "I'd like to          call (305) 324-8717, or visit
                                                                                   reach out to both members and physi-       
                                                                                   cians who are not members. To the

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