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Let’s Connect: SFHEF Spotlight

                Three Years In, Florida Medical Center COO

             Reflects on Hospital’s Achievements and Future                                                                    South Florida's
                BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                                and long-term goals for Garner and his

                                                                                  team at FMC.                             Healthcare Newspaper

          It should come as no surprise to those                                   “A few of our current short-term focuses       PO Box 812708
        who know Matthew Garner that he would                                     are responding in a strategic way to ensure   Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
        end up in the healthcare field. Growing up                                we stay competitive in light of the recent   Phone: (561) 368-6950
        with two parents working in healthcare                                    repeal of portions of the Certificate of
        exposed Garner to the field at a young age.                               Need (CON) regulations in Florida, deter-
        His mother was a Rehab Director and his                                   mining how we can create new access               Website:
        father was a social worker at a number of                                 points to care in underserved markets and

        long-term care facilities.                                                working toward creating a more efficient
          “We have a family friend that was the                                   means of caring for our patients while also    CHARLES FELIX
        CEO of a hospital in my hometown and,                                     sustaining and improving the quality of         CAROL FELIX
        after discussing his role, I felt that health-                            the care provided,” says Garner. We focus         Publishers
        care administration was a natural fit that                                on these short-term goals daily because
        would allow me to have a positive impact                                  they ultimately drive our long-term strate-    NANCY LAMMIE
        on people’s lives without providing direct      Matthew Garner            gies.”                                             Editor
        patient care,” says Garner, Chief Operating                                According to Garner, the healthcare
        Officer for Florida Medical Center (FMC),   we are taking the right course of action,”   market in South Florida is extremely com-  JUDY GRAMM
        part of the Tenet Healthcare System.   he says.                           petitive and the change in CON regula-    Editorial Manager & Webmaster
        “Hospital operations specifically is a pas-  When asked what skills are essential for   tions eliminates some of the barriers
        sion of mine because of the fast-paced   a health system COO in today's healthcare   healthcare providers have historically   JMC GRAPHICS
        nature, the role I play in shaping the cul-  climate, beyond traditional financial and   faced when determining their strategies for   Art/Production
        ture in the hospital and the opportunity to   business acumen, Garner rattles off three   long-term viability in the market, so con-
        interact with the bedside caregivers and   skills.                        tinuing to ask the hard questions and           412-877-5321
        the physicians who provide quality care   “Interpersonal skills, time-management   developing strategies to address them is
        for our patients.”                   and a desire to continue learning and   more important than ever.               CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
          Garner looks at hospitals as small, self-  developing are three essential skills that   From a long-term perspective, FMC is   Daniel Casciato
        contained cities, and in his role, he is able   come to mind,” he says. “Interpersonal   ultimately trying to position itself to be a   Barbara Fallon
        to work with all the departments that ulti-  skills are important because you need to   provider of choice in the market, so focus-  Vanessa Orr
        mately contribute to providing high-quali-  build relationships to accomplish your   ing on developing new and improving the   Lois Thomson

        ty care. Coordinating and ultimately lead-  goals and you must be able to clearly and   offerings of existing service lines to meet
        ing the day-to-day operations is extremely   concisely communicate with people at all   the needs of the population it serves is of
        gratifying, he notes, and he relishes the   levels in the organization to ensure align-  utmost importance, especially since it is
        opportunities he has been given thus far in   ment and create a transparent culture.”    catering to a patient base that is more edu-  LOOK FOR OUR
        the field.                             Time-management is important because   cated about their healthcare choices than   NEXT ISSUE
          "I honestly cannot imagine doing any-  there are a number of things to do   previous generations.
        thing else,” he says.                throughout the day, so you must be able to   “We anticipate an increasing shift to the   IN OCTOBER
          One of the most important lessons that   triage these tasks and determine a plan to   outpatient care settings for lower acuity   TO REACH US
        Garner has learned in his career to date is   address the most pressing tasks first, he   care,” says Garner.
        how important it is to interact directly   says. “Being a lifelong learner is important   The biggest challenge facing FMC and   FOR
        with patients.                       because healthcare is an increasingly com-  Tenet today, says Garner, is adjusting to the   ADVERTISING
          “Patients and families in the hospital are   plex field, so you have to stay up-to-date   changing healthcare landscape and strate-  OR EDITORIAL
        dealing with great uncertainty and anxiety,   regarding current events, what is going on   gically implementing plans that will mini-
        so being empathetic and compassionate   in the communities you serve and changes   mize the impact of these changes on its   Call (561) 368-6950
        with everyone you encounter is extremely   in the regulatory landscape.”    operations.                                     or e-mail
        important,” he says. “Second, managing   Knowledge is essential to plan for the   "The repeal of portions of the CON reg-
        your day-to-day responsibilities is impor-  short and long-term, and if you are not up   ulations in Florida has eliminated some of
        tant, but you can never be too busy to get   to speed regarding changes that may affect   the barriers to entry in certain segments of
        out in the hospital and interact with   the operating or competitive landscape,   healthcare and there is still some uncer-
        patients, families, employees and physi-  Garner says that you put yourself and your   tainty about how everything will ultimate-  SUBSCRIPTIONS

        cians. Being visible and available is one of   organization at a disadvantage.   ly shake out,” he says. “Taking the time to
        the easiest things to do and it makes an   As he reflects on his last three years as   understand the potential impact of the   One Year $40
        impact with everyone around you."    COO at FMC, Garner says that his team   changes and determine how the market       Two Years $60
          Third, he adds, is to always focus on   has accomplished a number of things.    will respond is a daily focus for us as we
        what is right for the patient and give your   "We’ve made significant capital invest-  plan for the future.”           Three Years $75
        team the support they need to do their job   ments in the facility over the past three   Garner feels fortunate for having been
        to the best of their abilities.      years, such as renovations of a number of   afforded great opportunities along the way   To subscribe,
          “If you take the time to listen to the   areas to improve functionality and aesthet-  while with Tenet and FMC. A member of
        needs of your patients and staff, put a plan   ics, built out a new EP lab to support our   the American College of Healthcare   call (561) 368-6950
        in place to address the need or issue raised   cardiac service line and acquired a lot of   Executives since October 2015, he joined   or subscribe online at
        and close the loop with them, you build an   the specialized equipment needed to pro-  the South Florida Healthcare Executive
        ongoing sense of trust and collaboration   vide the advanced level of care offered at   Forum (SFHEF) in July 2016.       ____________
        that drives a patient-first culture,” he says.    FMC,” he says. “We’ve earned numerous   “For anyone looking to get into the field
          Lastly, he learned to work hard every   accolades, including TJC Certification as a   of healthcare administration, I would rec-
        day and ask questions. As a younger   Thrombectomy-Capable Stroke Center   ommend getting exposure to as many dif-   All rights reserved. Reproduction
                                                                                                                             in whole or part without written
        administrator, Garner feels that you need   and Core Certification for our Hip and   ferent areas of healthcare as possible, align   permission prohibited. Copyright © 2019.
        to establish a sense of competence with   Knee Joint Replacement program, that   yourself with like-minded people who can
        your counterparts, direct reports and   speak to the high quality care we provide.   mentor and develop you, understand that
        physicians in order to effectively lead in   Our team has worked together to achieve   you will never know everything, and
        his role. He does that by taking any issues   so much and I am proud to be part of such   always ask questions,” he says. “The busi-
        that arise head-on and keeping a can-do   a high-performing group of healthcare   ness of healthcare is always evolving, but   Don’t forget to include
        attitude regarding anything that comes his   professionals.”              the focus on providing quality care for
        way.                                   Driving quality outcomes, fostering a   patients will always be a constant. As long   South Florida Hospital News
          “Additionally, you must be self-aware   “No Harm” culture, providing access to   as you keep the patient at the forefront,   & Healthcare Report
        regarding your abilities, so I tap into our   care when/where needed, and growth are   everything else will fall into place.”   in your Marketing Plans
        subject matter experts on the clinical side   some of the overall focuses of Tenet.     For more information, visit
        when needed and ask questions to ensure   Accordingly, these focuses drive both short   Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          September 2019                          27
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