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Cover Story:  Barry Gibb Headlines Chris Evert Tennis and Gala Weekend

        Continued from page 1                Your Love.”                         historic Boca Raton Resort & Club,   ISG Graphics, NYY Steak, Printzilla,
        Barry Gibb to Perform                  Barry would go on to co/write/produce   while two days of Pro-Celebrity tennis   Residence Inn by Marriott Boca Raton,
          And this year one of the most successful   numerous hits including “I Just Want To   matches are held on Saturday and   Sun-Sentinel, Travelhost of Palm Beach,
        artists of all-time, the legendary Barry   Be Your Everything,” “Tragedy,” “Woman   Sunday at the Delray Beach Tennis   Ultimate Software, and Wyndham Boca
        Gibb, will perform at the Black-Tie Gala.   in Love”, “Grease,” “Islands In The   Center. The event is one of South   Raton and Wyndham Deerfield Beach
          “I am thrilled beyond words that this   Stream” and many more. He has received   Florida’s longest running charity events   Resort.
        iconic artist will be performing at our 30th   eight Grammy’s including the Grammy   hosted by a former professional athlete.   Tickets for this year’s event are now on
        anniversary celebration,” stated Chris   Legend Award, the Grammy Lifetime   Evert will be joined at the event by a   sale and range in price from $20 to $900.
        Evert. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime oppor-  Achievement Award, the American Music   lineup of former tennis pros and sports
        tunity to hear some of the greatest hits of   Awards Lifetime Achievement Award, the   and entertainment celebrities, many of   About Chris Evert Charities
        all time - LIVE!”                    BMI Icon Award and was inducted into the   whom return annually to help support   Since 1989, Chris Evert Charities has
          With a career that has spanned more   Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and   the cause. Some of the participants in the   raised more than $25 million in an ongo-
        than five decades, Barry Gibb stands as   Songwriters Hall of Fame. In 2004, the Bee   30th anniversary celebration are Carson   ing campaign to provide a bright future
        one of the most prolific singer/song-  Gee’s received one of Britain’s highest hon-  Kressley, Jon Lovitz, Tate Donovan,   for Florida's most at-risk children. With
        writer/producers of the modern era. As co-  ors when they were made Commanders of   Shawn Hatosy, Luke Jensen, Chris Noth,   the help of loyal and generous sponsors,
        founder of the Bee Gee’s, Barry, along with   the British Empire. After the passing of his   David Cook, Hélio Castroneves, Jamie   participating celebrities, legions of vol-
        his brothers Maurice and Robin, became   brothers, Barry went on a world tour in   McShane, Maeve Quinlan and Martina   unteers and a dedicated staff, Chris Evert
        one of the biggest groups of all time.   2013, recorded a solo album in 2016, and   Navratilova.              continues to raise monies to fund pro-
          Hailing from Great Britain, the Bee Gee’s   was Knighted ‘Sir Barry Gibb’ by Prince   The elegant black-tie Gala on   grams through the Ounce of Prevention
        released a string of hits that broke through   Charles for his services to music and char-  November 23 includes dinner, dancing,   Fund of Florida and the Drug Abuse
        in America including “To Love        ity in 2018.                        cocktails, and live and silent auctions.   Foundation of Palm Beach County. The
        Somebody,” “Lonely Days,” “How Can                                       Gala tickets are $750 per person.    event is one of South Florida's longest-
        You Mend A Broken Heart,” “Jive Talkin”   Premiere Charity Event                                              running charity events hosted by a for-
        and “You Should Be Dancing.” But what   The Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Tennis   Sponsors To-Date               mer professional athlete. For more infor-
        came next would cement the bands epi-  Classic presented by Chase Private   Sponsors of the Chris Evert Pro-  mation, visit
        center as the sound of the decade; the   Client includes a Pro-Am, Cocktail Party,   Celebrity Tennis Classic include Chase
        best-selling movie soundtrack of all-time   Charity Gala and two days of Pro-  Private Client, Boca Raton Resort and
        Saturday Night Fever. The Grammy     Celebrity Tennis. The Friday morning   Club, City of Delray Beach, Clive Daniel   For information or ticket purchase, visit
        Award winning hits included, "Staying   Pro-Am, Friday evening cocktail party   Home, Global Wings LLC, Hospital for or
        Alive,” "Night Fever” and "How Deep Is   and Saturday evening Gala are held at the   Special Surgery, iheart media, IOMAXIS,    call (561) 394-2400.

                                                                                                E-mail Your Calendar Submissions to

          September 5                        September 7                         September 26                        November 4
          How to Successfully Incorporate    Casino Night                        South Florida Healthcare            SFHHA Annual Golf Tournament
          CBD Into Your Retail Environment     Community Health of South Florida   Networking Group Meeting            The South Florida Hospital &
           Presented by Aryn Sieber, Cannabis   Inc. will hold its 4th Annual Casino   You are invited to the monthly meeting   Healthcare Association’s 27th Annual
          Advocate and Entrepreneur, at the Surf   Night on September 7 from 6:30-10:30   of the South Florida Healthcare   Golf Tournament will be held Monday,
          Expo at the Orange County Convention   pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church,   Networking Group (SFHNG) hosted by   November 4 at Lago Mar Country Club,
          Center - West Concourse, Orlando at 3:00   11295 Southwest 57th Ave, Pinecrest.   Wellington Regional Medical Center on   500 NW 127 Ave, Plantation. For more
          pm. The presentation will demystify the   Benefits the Children’s Crisis Center at   Thursday, September 26 from 7:45 to 10   information, call (954) 964-1660 or
          misinformation and hype surrounding   Community Health of South Florida, Inc.   a.m. Download the reservation form at   email
          CBD and help retailers learn how to   For tickets, please visit the website or
          attract public attention, sales and demand.  call (561) 368-6950.   November 6-8
          To RSVP, email   ets-64829698373.                                                 Miami Neuro and Neuro Nursing
                                                                                 October 4-6                         Symposium
          September 6                        September 19                        AAMPA Annual Conference               Presented by Baptist Health South
          The ABCs of CBD and THC            SFHEF Education Event                 The American Medical Marijuana    Florida at the Hilton Miami Dadeland
           Presented by Aryn Sieber, Cannabis   South Florida Healthcare Executive   Physicians Association’s (AMMPA)   Hotel, Miami. Register at the website
          Advocate and Entrepreneur, at the Surf   Forum, Inc. presents Technology   Annual Conference will be held October
          Expo at the Orange County Convention   Innovation Changing the Face of   4-6 at the Hilton Orlando in Lake Buena
          Center - West Concourse, Orlando at   Healthcare Delivery on Thursday,   Vista, FL. To register, visit the website   November 23
          1:00 pm. This presentation addresses   September 19 from 5:30 – 8:15 pm at    Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Classic
          demystifying the stigma of cannabis   Good Samaritan Medical Center. For                                     The 30th Annual Chris Evert Pro-
          through education, real-world experi-  more information and to register, visit   October 14-16             Celebrity Gala will be held November 23
          ences and research. To RSVP, email                    PTCOG-NA Sixth Annual               at the Boca Raton Resort & Club.  For
                                               Conference                          more information, visit the website
                                             September 20                          PTCOG-NA     will  explore  New or call (561) 394-2400.
          September 7                        PBCMS 100th Birthday Party:         Frontiers in Particle Therapy at its Sixth
          SFHEF Educational Seminar          Docs Got Talent                     Annual Conference on October 14-16 at   December 6
           South Florida Healthcare Executive   Join the Palm Beach County Medical   the Hilton Miami Dadeland Hotel,   Miami Brain Symposium
          Forum will be offering 2 educational pro-  Society at their 100th Birthday Party:   Miami. Register at http://MiamiCancer   The Miami Brain Symposium will focus
          grams on Saturday, September 7 at   Docs Got Talent on Friday, September 20    on state-of-the-art approaches in the
          Jackson Memorial Hospital. Program 1   at the Atlantis Country Club, 190 Atlantis                          management of primary and metastatic
          will be Management and Prevention of   Blvd. RSPV by Sept. 16 at   October 19                brain tumors, along with an understand-
          Hospital Acquired Infections from 10:30   or call (561) 433-3940.      Celebration of Life Gala            ing of current standards of care as well as
          am – 12 pm. Program 2 will be Managing                                   The Gloria M. Silverio Foundation   a look at future directions. Event will be
          Your Clinical Supply Chain from 1 – 2:30                               501(c)3, A Safe Haven for Newborns, will   held December 6 at the Hilton Miami
          pm. Register at                                  host its annual Celebration of Life Gala   Dadeland  Hotel, Miami. Register at
                                                                                 on October 19 at the Inter-Continental —   http://MiamiBrainSymposium.Baptist
                                                                                 Miami hotel at 7 pm. Purchase tickets at

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          September 2019                          31
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