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Back Cover Story: Broad Spectrum Products Offer
                                                                                                   Strainprint Data Reveals
        Unique Advantages to Spektrum Life’s Customers
                                                                                              Medical Cannabis Significantly
         Continued from Back Page                Spektrum Life products become a staple in         Improves Quality of Life
          “There are so many people, like us, who   their daily health and wellness routine, allow-
         need more than an isolate product and want   ing them to accomplish their everyday activi-
         to take advantage of all of the cannabinoids   ties pain-free while enhancing their energy,”       for Insomniacs
         found in the plant, but do not want to have   added Tiffany.
         THC in their system including children, ath-  Spektrum Life partners with the industry’s   Forty-five percent of medical cannabis
         letes, seniors and professionals who cannot   top hemp manufacturers, which allows them   users treating insomnia are experiencing
         test positive on a drug test,” said Tiffany.    to hand-select their plants. They look for the   a significant improvement in their sleep-
          The Guatys take pride in ensuring that their   strongest roots, which yield the healthiest   ing patterns, according to data from med-
         products are always organic, GMO-free, pesti-  plants with the highest level of cannabinoids.   ical cannabis app developer Strainprint
         cide-free, and third-party tested.      “We use biomass extraction, which is a differ-  Technologies.
          According to Andres, people using CBD   ent type of extraction than most companies   The company’s app makes it easy for
         have a choice of isolate, broad spectrum or   use, and while it is more expensive than other   patients to track individual sessions,
         full spectrum products. Isolate is an oil that   extraction processes, it is safer for the plant   reporting the strains they’re using, the
         contains only one cannabinoid, while full   and yields the most amount of cannabinoids,”   amount being consumed, the symptoms
         spectrum oil contains the 200-plus cannabi-  said Tiffany.                           they’re treating, the length of the session
         noids found in the plant, including THC. In   The Guatys also take great pride in their   and how they feel both before and after
         order to get all the benefits of the cannabi-  customer service. The company has a Life   using cannabis. The feedback users pro-
         noids without the THC, Spektrum Life creat-  Support Team to answer customer’s questions,   vide gives other patients insight on the   BY JACK CHOROS
         ed a high-quality, broad spectrum oil, which   and they work with doctors, farmers and   effects of specific strains, helps growers
         they tested for a year before putting it on the   chemists who are very knowledgeable about   and producers create better products and
         market.                                 the industry. “Our team is available to answer   customer experiences. It also helps researchers and clinicians in analyz-
          “It’s rare to find a quality, true broad spec-  questions from customers who have no idea   ing the medical outcomes of cannabis.
         trum product in the industry,” said Andres,   what CBD is, to questions from people look-  Beyond showing promise for those struggling with insomnia, other
         adding that this is a higher quality oil that   ing for very specific answers,” said Tiffany.   data points pulled from the app show that patients definitely prefer
         requires a more extensive extraction process.   “We also follow up with our customers to see   using dried flower to treat their sleeping issues. Seven out of 10
          No artificial flavors or colorings are ever   how the products are working for them.”   Strainprint users list dried flowers as their method of consumption. The
         added to their products, which Andres says   “With the lack of education in the industry,   data also shows:
         differentiates Spektrum Life products from   we feel it is our duty to spread accurate   • Three common terpenes exist in all of the top strains for insomnia,
         many others on the market. “We only add ter-  knowledge about CBD to as many people as   including beta-caryophyllene, myrcene, and limonene.
         penes and coconut oil in our product lines to   possible and produce high quality, broad spec-  • Men are choosing strains with THC ratios that far outweigh CBD
         intensify and improve a particular physical or   trum products,” she added.          with ratios of 20:0 and 15:0 being the most popular.
         mental activity. Currently, our Gold Line con-                                        • Female patients are choosing a much wider range of THC:CBD
         tains terpenes to enhance energy and focus,”                                         ratios. The ratios range from 25:0 to 1:2.
         he explained.                                                                         The wide range of CBD:THC ratios among female users perhaps
          He added that most athletes use CBD to                                              demonstrate a more conservative outlook toward the psycho active
         help their muscles heal quickly, which                                               effects of THC. It may also be a reflection of the fact that the average
         reduces their recovery time. “Our athletic                                           male is significantly more likely to both use and have previous experi-
         clients include baseball, football and basket-                                       ence with medical cannabis as compared to the average female.
         ball players, MMA fighters and triathletes, just                                      The common terpenes found in all of the top strains treating insom-
         to name a few,” he said. “On the other hand, a                                       nia reduce inflammation in the brain, provide sedative effects and are
         large majority of Spektrum Life clientele is                                         easily absorbed by the body.
         made up of seniors who want CBD but do not         Spektrum Life offers a range of CBD
         want marijuana.”                            product choices through their online store at        For more information, contact me on Twitter @Jack Choros.
          “Once seniors realize that they can find a and can be reached at
         product with no THC that helps with inflam-                      (305) 330-5535.
         mation and doesn’t make them drowsy,

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